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  1. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    There’s plenty of that too. Which is understandable. These seem like questions for the city, city commission, etc. I didn’t write, read, or sign those agreements/contracts. I will update estimated costs for the boat ramp expansions when I have numbers for those, as I promised earlier. Those...
  2. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Oh I think it would be far more than “equal” to keelboat, at least in terms of access. More so in the summer than spring fishing. I absolutely agree that it would serve public benefit. 100% with you on that. But look at the pushback and criticism that a comparatively simple boat ramp expansion...
  3. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    To my knowledge that’s not a priority in the near future and in my opinion is unlikely to happen. It’s not impossible, but it would be many years away. I do question the value of it, as based on the location I have a feeling it would be a hefty dredging bill on a regular basis to keep it open...
  4. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Same here. Though I have helped my buddies fill their feeders during that time. So does that make me biased for baiting? I think you’re being illogical. If his study was done specifically on baiting, and it was severely flawed or not able to pass the rigors of peer review, I would agree with...
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  6. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    So he faked not just one, but multiple, research projects over the course of decades, in front of multiple research teams, risking his career, his livelihood, his retirement, and his reputation, all so he could take baiting away…. Wow. That’s some tin foil hat shit there. And I suppose all...
  7. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I talked to the guy who conducted and published the study. The study was peer reviewed. He’s published multiple works on CWD. He’s a hunter and a veterinarian, now retired. Dr. Terry Kreeger. I’ve also talked to multiple other researchers who’ve conducted similar studies on whitetail and mule...
  8. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    It was apart of the original riverfront proposal in2018/2019 when the city was asking for project ideas. But it was not funded and does not have support from the city, and to my understanding is highly unlikely to ever happen. But that is the extent of what I know about the hotel.
  9. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Ok? What’s that got to do with anything? Put 39 people in a room with Covid and statistically no one dies. Put 39 elk in a positive facility they all get it and they all die. This exact thing has been done.
  10. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Indeed I am. Running errands and heading to the gym now. You and your buddies already threatened to come to my house and “kick my ass” and “teach me a lesson” over the baiting bill, you going to try and come for my job too? Am I on pace to catch your post total here on NDA? Looks like I’ll...
  11. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I get the frustrations and share some of them. It’s not lost on me how backwards some of this is. Unfortunately, with landownership, funding, stakeholders, etc., and all of those moving parts aligning like they do, I have a feeling the rubber was going to meet the road in some shape or fashion...
  12. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I saw this posted on FB a while back. This is the same grant program that put money towards the river front project. A Taxpayer funded grant putting dollars towards a private project that will not benefit ND residents and instead only a single private business. At least the river front project...
  13. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Depends on the grant. Some come from federal based grants funding state level grants, some are simply excise taxes, some are production taxes. Large variety. But again, those grants are going to fund projects regardless. So, I have zero issue advocating for them to go to benefit hunters and...
  14. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I’m just slinging facts brother! 🤙 And I say this bluntly but also respectfully, I think the only thing that’s “scientifically flawed” is some of the rabidly biased opinions from some guys here on this subject. I think the evidence overwhelming supports baiting and feeding bans. Over half the...
  15. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I’m not sure which study you’re talking about. What happened in Tennessee is not research. It’s just monitoring efforts and testing protocol. That’s it. No research involved. Testing protocol is using IHC tests to confirm ELISA results. Tennessee failed to use IHC tests and just relied on...
  16. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Not free, just that the funds are already there and will be spent regardless. That’s how grants work. They get funded regardless. So again, might as well make that money benefit hunters and anglers. For example, the Outdoor heritage fund is nothing but a grant program. Funded via oil tax...
  17. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    I stated in a previous post I don’t know the cost yet, but will keep you folks posted. I won’t know until I meet with stakeholders, go over site plans, and figure out what monies are available. Again, using grant money and agency funds, neither of these projects will result in a local tax...
  18. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    Thanks for saving me time and posting that up! Much appreciated. Yes, we will lobby to kill another similar baiting bill when it comes back in the 2025 session. I disagree. Those folks have less enthusiasm than folks like you and many others on this forum. Enthusiasm and passion is the one...
  19. B

    Bis to lose boat ramp

    This is the internet!
  20. IMG_7730.jpeg


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