3 Class Bball system in ND?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
I mostly like the 3 class system for bball here in SD. It keeps the smaller schools having to play the big schools too often. So my school I coach at is at the bottom population for class A. We have B, A and AA. We have had to play St. Thomas More in the state tourney a couple times. STM is in Rapid City..second largest town in the state. 70k at least? It is a private school and recruits well. Not only are they Rapid kids but they'll pull in players from area towns in the hills as well. So, they are class A and have a nice choice of athletes. I had to pull kids off the tractor a few times to make a team. The one year my team made state we faced them second round I believe. Their starting 5 all went D1. The fairness just isn't there. I've always thought that the private schools should have their own conference as well as the native schools because of so much open enrolling in the middle of the season. A town like mine of a population of 2k probably shouldn't be playing a school in Sioux Falls whos school is bigger than our town. Maybe once in awhile but not tourney play. As I said, bigger schools make cuts, often have 60-70-100 kids try out. Our small schools, sometimes we have to chase kids in hall to try to convince them to come out to make a team. Big schools....pick and choose who they want. Small schools gladly take what they can get. This leads to an unbalanced system.
When you look at the State B tournament in ND and see a Minot, Dickenson, Bismarck and a Fargo team in it.....It just doesn't seem right!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
I agree with the private schools being a class on their own.

It really isn't fair to the public schools, as they don't recruit and/or offer scholarships.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
Coming from watertown to a smaller town you are spot on we had 200 kids try out my senior year. But living here now i get to hear how the a and b teams would beat the aa teams. So just once i would like to see a tournament between the three state champs and prove a point
Now days I wonder. I played sports for Aberdeen Central. 80s-90s. There were only a few teams that could run with AAs. But now, I feel better ball is played in the As and Bs and think the best could handle AAs no problem. The problem I see is logistics. So many small schools in our conference around the SF area. They have access to gym space, camps, leagues all over the area. Away from SF we are very limited in gyms space and activities. It's not turning into a money grab.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
ND has pretty tough transfer rules. A lot tougher than SD and that helps curtail recruiting. I know for a fact that Shiloh recruits Rez kids. Hard to stop all of it that's for sure. But my logic for making Private Schools go A is simple. ALL Bismarck schools should be A. Along with all Fargo, Minot, Dickinson Ect. Schools. These schools all draw off a huge population and recruit these kids from the time they're in grade school.

Being relatively familiar with Shiloh, I can't agree with your position on Shiloh recruiting rez kids. First off, Shiloh is not a boarding school like the old New England Saint Mary was back in the day, so where is Shiloh homing all these kids that they are recruiting off the reservation? As far as I know, the native kids at Shiloh all live with their parents here in the Bismarck area and aren't commuting from Parshall or Fort Yates.

Also, I watched a couple of Shiloh basketball games last year and I can only remember one, maybe two half-native kids on the team (one I know is half because I grew up with his parents, the other may not even be native).

I can think of at least 3 or 4 native gals on Shiloh's C-squad volleyball team, are you thinking that is where Shiloh was emphasizing recruitment?

BisMan is full of former reservation dwellers like myself. We in general like the smaller school atmosphere (and Shiloh is top shelf in that category) because it gives our kids the opportunity to participate when compared to BHS, Century, or Legacy sized schools. So if we can swing it, we absolutely will send our kids to the private school because we relate better to them.

Someone else put their finger on the right reason why the smaller private schools are more successful than their student population size would suggest. Students who go to private schools simply have more opportunity to train as they don't have to go out and work on the farm or get a job because money is overly tight in the family. Sanford Power is full of Shiloh kids in the summer time, and the teams often hold what they call captain's practices throughout the latter half of the summer to go along with the Sanford Power. They are simply doing a better job of reaching their potential. It's been a while since I've read the Shiloh admissions paperwork, but I don't remember seeing anything in there on athletic scholarships.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Now days I wonder. I played sports for Aberdeen Central. 80s-90s. There were only a few teams that could run with AAs. But now, I feel better ball is played in the As and Bs and think the best could handle AAs no problem. The problem I see is logistics. So many small schools in our conference around the SF area. They have access to gym space, camps, leagues all over the area. Away from SF we are very limited in gyms space and activities. It's not turning into a money grab.
You play with kline that guy was a monster . Seen him pull up well beyond nba three point line and nail it. Has some fun rivalry years with central, Huron and Mitchell


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Being relatively familiar with Shiloh, I can't agree with your position on Shiloh recruiting rez kids. First off, Shiloh is not a boarding school like the old New England Saint Mary was back in the day, so where is Shiloh homing all these kids that they are recruiting off the reservation? As far as I know, the native kids at Shiloh all live with their parents here in the Bismarck area and aren't commuting from Parshall or Fort Yates.

Also, I watched a couple of Shiloh basketball games last year and I can only remember one, maybe two half-native kids on the team (one I know is half because I grew up with his parents, the other may not even be native).

I can think of at least 3 or 4 native gals on Shiloh's C-squad volleyball team, are you thinking that is where Shiloh was emphasizing recruitment?

BisMan is full of former reservation dwellers like myself. We in general like the smaller school atmosphere (and Shiloh is top shelf in that category) because it gives our kids the opportunity to participate when compared to BHS, Century, or Legacy sized schools. So if we can swing it, we absolutely will send our kids to the private school because we relate better to them.

Someone else put their finger on the right reason why the smaller private schools are more successful than their student population size would suggest. Students who go to private schools simply have more opportunity to train as they don't have to go out and work on the farm or get a job because money is overly tight in the family. Sanford Power is full of Shiloh kids in the summer time, and the teams often hold what they call captain's practices throughout the latter half of the summer to go along with the Sanford Power. They are simply doing a better job of reaching their potential. It's been a while since I've read the Shiloh admissions paperwork, but I don't remember seeing anything in there on athletic scholarships.
Didnt Shiloh recruit the Bearstail boy from back in the day and also a Parshall kid?, Is that Quam girl not from Wilton? Also rumor has it they are after that really good freshman from last year on Wiltons Boys team. It will be interesting to see if he goes there but Shiloh does recruit.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
You play with kline that guy was a monster . Seen him pull up well beyond nba three point line and nail it. Has some fun rivalry years with central, Huron and Mitchell
yup he was Sr I was a jr. We Both went to NSU after. We were tough!! Big and could all shoot. Not sure why we didn't win it? Think we choked one game and got 3rd.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
yup he was Sr I was a jr. We Both went to NSU after. We were tough!! Big and could all shoot. Not sure why we didn't win it? Think we choked one game and got 3rd.
those were some fun years i was few years younger. Did you play against sutherland the gym was standing room only during those years


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
those were some fun years i was few years younger. Did you play against sutherland the gym was standing room only during those years
Yes I did. Many times. in 92 I was a Sr and he was a jr. First round of state we had them down 14 entering the 4th quarter. I had scored quite a bit that game but went a little cold in the 4th. They came back and beat us by 4. Think I had 30 and he had 34. They ended up winning it all. Still haunts me!:mad::confused:


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Yes I did. Many times. in 92 I was a Sr and he was a jr. First round of state we had them down 14 entering the 4th quarter. I had scored quite a bit that game but went a little cold in the 4th. They came back and beat us by 4. Think I had 30 and he had 34. They ended up winning it all. Still haunts me!:mad::confused:
My friends older brother was on that team. I was standing there in the middle of the celebration as the trophy was dropped on the court. The look on the face of the kid that dropped it i will never forget haha


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
Didnt Shiloh recruit the Bearstail boy from back in the day and also a Parshall kid?, Is that Quam girl not from Wilton? Also rumor has it they are after that really good freshman from last year on Wiltons Boys team. It will be interesting to see if he goes there but Shiloh does recruit.
Shiloh would also like your kid to apply to attend school within their walls so long as you live within what your parents are willing drive to get you there. If that's what you all mean by "recruiting", then yeah...they recruit. But there's still no athletic scholarship available that I know of at Shiloh, nor are there boarding rooms to put the kids stolen from Parshall, New Town, or Fort Yates. The farthest away kid I know lives out in the Steele area. I suppose we could say he too got "recruited", but since he's in the same grade as my son and has been going there since at least 6th or 7th grade, I doubt it.

People used to say the same about another native family that moved to the Bismarck area a few years ago, but no need to recruit and offer up a fictional athletic scholarship to a family when dad can afford to build his kids an indoor basketball court in the backyard of his McMansion. There was a Bearstail coach at Shiloh a few years ago for cross country, his kid?

Parents are weird as they all have their own reasons for the schools they send their kids to. I've seen some great kids start at Shiloh in pre-school only to have their parents send them off to the public school when they hit junior high (it gets progressively more expensive). Others start their kids in public school and transition them to private school starting in junior high, again for their own reasons. And there are certainly a lot of kids that are just being drug along with their parents' decision to relocate for work or family and end up at Shiloh.

My kids ended up at Shiloh because the school district I moved into as we changed houses was/is the good old Apple Creek country school. No before or after school programs (at the time, it looks like they have an after school program now), no bussing, etc. All that made it very difficult for a new family with two working adults to get the kids to and from school while still satisfying their employer's requirement to work a full day. That made going the private school route a simple, but expensive decision.

Shiloh kids come from all walks of life and family scenarios, school districts are a public school concept which allows all kids in that defined area the opportunity to attend school on the taxpayer's dime. Saying Shiloh shouldn't allow a kid from XXXXXXXX to attend there seems like one is laying claim to another person's child. For whatever reason, a lot of people get butthurt when one of the many kids that transfer in turns out to also be athletic. There are plenty of non-athletic kids that transfer in or start at Shiloh every year. I find it weird how grown adults seem to care more about their alma mater's success in sports than about the freedom for someone else's kid to attend a private school.

If you don't want to send your kid to a private school, that's your choice and what the public school system is intended. Parents shopping around for the best opportunities for their kids is nothing new and sure as heck isn't going away because of what any of us say on this topic.

As far as the gal from Wilton, she's been a great addition to Shiloh, very good athlete, very friendly and interactive with the other kids. Did her parents decide to send her to Shiloh because they think she has a better chance at an athletic scholarship for college because Shiloh has better coaches and facilities? I truly don't know, that would be a better question for her or her parents.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
Being relatively familiar with Shiloh, I can't agree with your position on Shiloh recruiting rez kids. First off, Shiloh is not a boarding school like the old New England Saint Mary was back in the day, so where is Shiloh homing all these kids that they are recruiting off the reservation? As far as I know, the native kids at Shiloh all live with their parents here in the Bismarck area and aren't commuting from Parshall or Fort Yates.

Also, I watched a couple of Shiloh basketball games last year and I can only remember one, maybe two half-native kids on the team (one I know is half because I grew up with his parents, the other may not even be native).

I can think of at least 3 or 4 native gals on Shiloh's C-squad volleyball team, are you thinking that is where Shiloh was emphasizing recruitment?

BisMan is full of former reservation dwellers like myself. We in general like the smaller school atmosphere (and Shiloh is top shelf in that category) because it gives our kids the opportunity to participate when compared to BHS, Century, or Legacy sized schools. So if we can swing it, we absolutely will send our kids to the private school because we relate better to them.

Someone else put their finger on the right reason why the smaller private schools are more successful than their student population size would suggest. Students who go to private schools simply have more opportunity to train as they don't have to go out and work on the farm or get a job because money is overly tight in the family. Sanford Power is full of Shiloh kids in the summer time, and the teams often hold what they call captain's practices throughout the latter half of the summer to go along with the Sanford Power. They are simply doing a better job of reaching their potential. It's been a while since I've read the Shiloh admissions paperwork, but I don't remember seeing anything in there on athletic scholarships.
BS!! That Two Bears girls a few years ago was from Cannon Ball and I worked with her dad. According to him, they recruited both his boys back in the 2000's, and he ended up sending his daughter there before she was even a Freshmen. That's one I know for sure!! There were a couple other ones from down here that tried going up there too. I can only assume they were encouraged to enroll up there due to BBall


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jun 26, 2018
Southcentral ND - Southcentral AK
Coming from watertown to a smaller town you are spot on we had 200 kids try out my senior year. But living here now i get to hear how the a and b teams would beat the aa teams. So just once i would like to see a tournament between the three state champs and prove a point
I played for Linton in early 2000s. We would play team camps against all the class A schools in the summer. They were real very hard played games against guys that wanted to beat us bad and not pickup games. We would go about 50/50 with BHS and Century. We would pretty well handle Mandan and St. Mary’s. There were at least a half dozen class B schools as good or better than us at the time including Shiloh and Trinity.

We had scheduled games during the season against BHS and Century that were JV games. Basically everyone but each schools varsity starters. Same deal, results were about 50/50. We had an enrollment of about 100 vs an enrollment of easily1,000+. Those were fun games and man did they fight against us. They were extremely poor sports when we would win.

Not sure what it would be like now, haven’t seen a HS game in well over a decade.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 18, 2015
Northeastern SD
My friends older brother was on that team. I was standing there in the middle of the celebration as the trophy was dropped on the court. The look on the face of the kid that dropped it i will never forget haha
Thanks for rubbing it it!!:)


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 17, 2015
BS!! That Two Bears girls a few years ago was from Cannon Ball and I worked with her dad. According to him, they recruited both his boys back in the 2000's, and he ended up sending his daughter there before she was even a Freshmen. That's one I know for sure!! There were a couple other ones from down here that tried going up there too. I can only assume they were encouraged to enroll up there due to BBall
Define 'recruiting.' Coaches calling or seeking out the athletes/parents? Kids encouraging other kids? Commercials or other mass marketing? Pretty sure coaches reaching out would be against NDHSAA rules.

Not saying it doesn't happen in some form but I have to believe (and have experienced as a coach) it's initiated by the family reaching out. Of course the school isn't going to say no and it happens more in the large cities since people have reasons to move there. I think every school in the larger cities has had their share of transfers that help their teams; seems the recruiting word comes up when it's the private schools involved. Obviously frustrating for the small towns to see new kids show up on some teams and is a good reason for the 3rd class.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 25, 2015
I agree with the private schools being a class on their own.

It really isn't fair to the public schools, as they don't recruit and/or offer scholarships.
This is false and laughable. I can give you multiple instances where public schools have recruited athletes. BHS used to do it all the time, in both girls and boys sports. In fact BHS recruited quite a few girls basketball players from St Marys not that long ago. BHS BB coach Miller had recruits live in his house with him. Ever heard of Mandan girls basketball under Amundson? He recruited lots and lots of kids, even one from Williston.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Lincoln, kinda...
BS!! That Two Bears girls a few years ago was from Cannon Ball and I worked with her dad. According to him, they recruited both his boys back in the 2000's, and he ended up sending his daughter there before she was even a Freshmen. That's one I know for sure!! There were a couple other ones from down here that tried going up there too. I can only assume they were encouraged to enroll up there due to BBall

LOL, so Shiloh is so desperate to field a basketball team the coach (because let's face it, you want someone who knows the sport to pick incoming athletes) is helping recruit 7th and 8th graders to train for athletic success 4-5 years down the road? That's awesome, I should go watch some junior high games this year.

Sorry, it sounds a bit more like parental liberties were being taken in bragging about their offspring.

p.s. I think you and I have a little different definition or expectation of recruiting.

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