full coverage
Do you have full coverage or just liability?
Do you have full coverage or just liability?
Print out a copy of either KBB or NADA of your vehicle and take it into them. Give them the last chance speech. They don't lower prices on their own if you have been paying and don't pursue. I know, It's complete Bull Shit . . .I bought a new Duramax in 2007. 17 years later I’m still paying the same amount for insurance as when it was brand new. How does this work?!!! It’s worth over half less than new but the insurance rate hasn’t changed. ive Been with this company for 23 years. I’m thinking about going somewhere else to get a new plan to lower the rates. Does anyone else switch companies every so often???
I am no insurance expert but I have pondered this question myself. My thoughts are that even tho your truck has less value each year, the cost to fix damage increases. However, you'd think that the amount at which the insurance company will "total" it based on damage does decrease every year. Liability cost probably increases each year and you could cause an accident with expensive vehicles that your insurance company would need to cover. Doesn't matter how what your vehicle is worth in that situation. Not to mention if there are injuries involved. Probably some other aspects that I have not thought of too. If you get an answer, please post it here as I am interested as well.full coverage
Check to see if you have Replacement Cost Benefit coverage on your policy. Thankfully we had it and had repairs/replacement of roof without any deduction for depreciation.Insurance claims are just simply a big pain in the ass. Last week my roof, gutters, fascia and downspouts all got totaled. Found out that shingles value decreases and they will only reimburse what is deemed cash value if shingles are over 15 years old. Well, mine are 19. So it will be interesting to hear back what my shingle value is. But I believe I might start hearing Deliverance banjo music soon.Time to start getting estimates!!!
Your exactly right. Us Midwesterner's are paying the bounty for the southern disasters. Building supplies will skyrocket once againBecause of multiple "natural disasters" all companies have posted increases. Unfortunately we here in ND have to pool with the southern and western states that experience large disasters, and with everything else in life we get to help cover that expense.
Shop around you will find likely lower rates here and there, however every company has gone up, and likely will again and again. It is not totally on how great you personally do on your driving record, or claim history. Like health insurance we all get a good rogering.
If your talking to Chris at Ford I wouldn't believe a word....that is all.Well all, here is the latest on my pickup and insurance. Pickup is still at Eide waiting for an ABS module that has been BO for over 2 months. Stopped there yesterday to see what's going on. They checked on the part order and told me that there is one being expedited to the US on June 17th and no for sure that they will get it. Told me there was no after market one available ether. Asked what my options were and she said we have pickups on the lot for sale. Gave her the FUCK YOU look. As far as Nationwide they denied me again after I got 2 letters from both mechanics that worked on the pickup saying why they strongly believe that my pickup was struck by lightning (Nationwide said that was just an opinion) plus some articles off line that explains how this is possible. Took all my paperwork to the State Insurance Commision which turned out to be a total waste of time. Told me that all they do is check if Nationwide did anything illegal and they don't do any negotiating in the claim that I would have to take it to court. I am totally frustrated
Don't do this, as of course this is insurance fraud, and carries more than a cash fine.If this ever happens again in the future, might I suggest firing up an old arc welder? Crank it up to full heat and let some sparks fly. That way you have an electric scar to point a finger at.
Insurance is the most regulated industry in the USA, if you are feeling wrongly denied, contact the insurance dept, they actually have an 800 number as they want to make sure all claims are paid or denied as they should be.Insurance is one of the biggest scams ever. They want your money, but never want to pay out. I have paid insurance all my life and never filed a claim. The rear window of my truck broke once and I was going to file a claim but the deductible was more than the window replacement so I paid out of pocket.
Don't do this, as of course this is insurance fraud, and carries more than a cash fine.
Sorry bud, I woke up all sorts of fun hating today.Don't be a funhater.