Sig, your garden looks nice. Our garden shrunk by two and a half rows , I had two 130' rows of mammoth sunflowers ,we usually roast some and the birds get the rest . Wife had just finished weeding those two rows and the same night the deer ate almost every last one of the tops off the sunflowers. I was so pissed that I hopped on the tractor and tilled them under. they also got 60'row of beets so trying a 3-d electric fence to see if that will work. Going to put a cotton ball in a tin container and hang it on the fence and see if I can get a trail cam pic of the arc when they sniff it. Good things though is that for everything bad, something good usually comes. I was starting to get a soft spot in my heart for deer but that's long gone, I'll enjoy pulling the trigger this fall and eating more venison.