About the only thing a person can really do to minimize the amount you're affected by other's hoarding, is to keep a decent supply of staples in your own home. I'm not saying a grocery-store worth of stuff buried in your back-yard. I'm saying some non-perishable food items that don't require a lot of prep to be ready to eat.
A person doesn't need a pallet of bleach, but, a gallon bottle can usually be purchased for ~$1.00, a gallon or 2 comes in useful. 3-4wks of TP shouldn't take up a whole closet, but, should allow a person to nestle-in worry free. A new container or 2 worth of disinfectant/lysol, you don't need a case, just a bottle or 2.
I could go on and on, but you get the idea.
Blizzards, ice storms, downed power lines, tornados, and/or floods are things that can home-bound anyone in this part of the world easily for 1-2 wks at the right/wrong time of year.