I will try to shed a different light I guess.
Last summer, the Federal Subsistence Board shut down millions of acres of land to caribou hunting by nonlocals in northwest Alaska. The same thing has happened with sheep in central AK and deer in southeast AK. Both you and me are now locked out of these areas. In every instance where this overreach has taken place, the ADFG has strongly opposed these shut downs based on their population models. Anecdotal evidence from locals in the area claimed the models were flawed and that the ADFG data could not be trusted. Their voice was the loudest, they threw a fit, and used a work around through the Federal Subsistence Board to overrule the ADFG and get their way. Guides and transporters that flew the area daily all had a very good grasp of these populations and were all against the closure and stood behind the ADFG, as well as every single conservation org. The shutdowns eliminated the take of approximately 600 caribou (ONLY BULLS) per year from a herd of 300,000. These closures will become more and more common for more and more species, and not just in Alaska.
Are you OK with management in this way? If not, what is your argument against it? You've already established that the ADFG can't be trusted, so how would you fight something like this? Serious question.
How would you go about fighting the bear baiting closure the federal government is about to impose on Alaska while the biologists ADFG are busy fighting for it? At some point, you're arguing with yourself.