Hopefully this was a wake up call for everyone. G&F better manage based on sound statistics, and especially leave “ethics” out of it when it comes to legal take. And those seeking to sneak one past sportsmen by forming an alliance, only to have it come to light that it was the same “LOCKOUT” crowd pushing the same old BS have lost support. Best quote I saw shared from the CWD Facebook page was “how quickly we went from passing this bill to keep the kids involved to locking them out.”
It's not the same old "lockout" crowd this time, trust me, it's bigger... Will land be locked out because of this. Absolutely it will. People are fed up. 75% support from testimony, 80% pass in the house, 6-0 do pass from senate.. failed narrowly on the floor. This is part of the reason term limits passed with the margin they did this last session.. people are fed up with government/government agencies.
16 of the 26 no votes came from grand forks, fargo, or bismarck/Mandan (2 more from minot). Some of the most vocal areas in the state on the support side via testimony came out with a no vote (williston/tioga) and senators not following what their constituents that voted them in wanted.
The game and fish went to the senate subcommittee with a "compromise" and it was shot down because people were fed up that it took that much action for them to finally come to the table. (This was pretty common knowledge to people on both sides of this bill)
If sportsmen in the valley don't want to speak out because they are unaffected currently that's fine.. but when a ban comes in place I'm willing to bet the tide turns and more sportsmen that use it as a tool over there currently speak out and contact those legislators.
The units where it has been banned, and now shot down by the senate have been left 1 hand to play which is a double edged sword but could garner the attention of the game and fish department and bring forth more discussions about the gap in understanding from landowners and this states game and fish. When hunters from fargo and grand forks or bismarck are up for moose season and a once in a lifetime tag to find access has been tightened up, they talk.. to the game and fish, to their fellow sportsmen's etc.. that's then brought up at advisory board meetings where those same landowners sit and then a discussion comes full circle as to why it happened.
Do I want to see access restricted? No I don't.. but thats what left and something the game and fish department/senate floor members will have come to terms with.