Maybe that is there way of enjoying outdoors, and most do spend time with there family while they are doing the competitions. Maybe they arent interested in other sports. Why are all the nontourney guys so quick to think everyone is an asshole, has a small dick, cant manage their finances, and have huge egos. I'm sure I am missing something nontourney guys have to complain about. From what I see year after year is the nontourney guys are the ones complaining about everything and want zero compromise in the outdoors. They are always the ones trying to tell everyone else what they should be doing and how they should be doing it. Prove me wrong.
I'm your proof.. I am a BIG non tourney guy. I hate how they take up ramps on every weekend in June in my area. But, about 6 years ago, my buddy calls me on a Friday. His brother from Minneapolis is in town and he wants to sign us up in the one day, 3 man tournament. I begrudgingly say ok. I just showed up Saturday morning fished one day, it won't be so bad I say to myself. Well damn it, I had a great time. I was really glad I got to spend a day with two old friends. It would have never happened if not for the tournament. Damn it, that tournament made me have fun. Oh, and we placed 13th and got our money back. I hadn't fished the Mobridge area all year just up here on the ND side. So we've tried to get in it every year since then. We missed a year and this year too. And last year we got 2nd place!! I know we could plan a weekend to meet up and fish, obviously we could, but the tournament is a good excuse. Oh, and I kind of like being anti-tournament and getting in it and winning some $$$ from the tournament guys.
I see the non tournament guys view. I don't know where you come off saying there is no compromise? What are we suppose to compromise on? I don't get it. The tournaments are scheduled. No non tournament guy ever protested and got one canceled or moved, so I don't get what the hell your talking about. All we ever do is cry around about being crowded at the ramps and run over on the water. I watched the tournament boats racing and going in between shore and fishermen right south of Mobridge. Most went out and around that flat people were fishing, but some went too close. One guy was in a 12' little boat he threw in from shore. I laughed my ass off at that guy bouncing around from the wakes (he's my brother), but you get the picture.
Oh there are legit complaints about SOME tournament anglers. One year a guy bought every creek chub in town. What happens when someone tries that with minnows, leeches and crawlers. Tell me that guys NOT AN ASSHOLE!! There are guys in these tournaments that have done things in the past that have pissed the locals off. They would have done it anyway more than likely the way some of these tourists behave.