True tale: I was at GTMO when this movie came out courtesy of the Clintong regime. There was this black dude in my tent whom I used to fuck with mercilessly. He was my roommate in the dorm back in the World. I always ended up hanging somewhere else as he frequently was rigging the pad for flowback...He had the room rigged up with HIS tv and stereo which I assure you was suitable for professional work: One night I watched some sort of "soul boom boom" music award show with him as we'd both brought plenty beers and he didn't have any pussy scheduled.
They rolled out Teddy Pendergrass in a wheelchair: I asked "Hey Man is that Chocolate Evel Knievel?" He nearly had a stroke as did I for different reasons...
I digress: I entered the tent one night with a belly full of steak and a good buzz. As I reached my cot he started going off: "Lt Dan! Lt Dan! Lt Dan!"
"WTF are you talking about (roommate)?!"
"You didn't see that movie?!!"
"You look like that sumbitch, you talk like that sumbitch, you ACT like the sumbitch!
At the time GTMO had an awesome outdoor theater with the Caribbean Sea as the background. I saw the movie and realized it was the biggest compliment I'd ever received. Thank you (roommate):
Anyways: The AF fought riots along side of Army and Marines. They had catcher's gear and black jacks. We had long sticks and the same "ballistic" shields. When we got the same protection I challenged (roommate) to strike my shin: After a bit of "mouth" he did and popped my fucking eyeballs out of my skull without a mark.
Don't underestimate blunt force trauma.
That is all.