Just curious as to if you ever and how often add oil to your reels, both baitcaster and spinning. Also, how often do you take apart your reels and actually clean them. Does adding oil attract dust and dirt into moving parts?
Reel maintenance is crucial, but baitcasters have so many parts I usually send mine in to get cleaned every couple years. Your owners manual should show you all the spots to oil, and you're right, you don't want too much oil or things can get gunked up. Just a drop of oil will do.
I haven't bought a new reel for myself in many years. I'm not saying I'm CORRECT. I know of this "feeling" and have brought it back with my expert technique. Garcias, Quantams and my one precious '96 Bantam Curado.
I try to do mine at least every other year. Every year if I manage to get time, problem is i acquire more rods/reels every year and it gets harder to keep them all maintained! I got some from my wifes grandfather last year that are in dire need of a good scrubbing and they'll make great kids rods.
Anyone have an idea what do with my pile without instant anti-reverse? They were all sort of high end at the time. They surely are useful for parts?...I can't even imagine the days of mono and handle back-slap. No effing way.