In sodak,road ditches can be rewarding,however drop a bird across the wire fence,some farmers will chew your ass,
Scouting a new area to hunt pheasants near "winner" sodak,one heck ofa pheasant meca,most private land i came across is usually a hunt operation as i found out one day,birds were bunched up in December, 100's scratching and graveling,groups of hunters everywhere in the distance,had a farmer tailing me for miles,i pulled over as well as the farmer did right on my rear bumper,chatted with the awnry old fart,asked him what's up? he said if you drop a bird across my fence,thats my bird,private property,apparently farmer raises and releases pheasants during summer months and advertises wild pheasant hunts rather than plant and charge per bird for groups, dude was a dick about road hunters even tho i had no intentions to jump birds in road ditch,asked him what he charges hunters,this was several years ago as i was traveling back home from a hunting trip in nebraska,$350/day per gun,bet that price has doubled by now?eye opening encounter,local winner small craft airport was jumping with outof state hunters flying in jumping on bus shuttles to various outfitter farms nearby,eye opening commercial business not my deal.