Confession time … I’ve been here and have been gone on NDA twice before.
1. The first time I felt that I needed to leave because there were Members that got upset when their identities were revealed for giving “Bad Reps.” Man Up people – don’t say something with the anonymity of the internet that you wouldn’t say to someone in person! I let that fester in me until I just quit visiting the site. That is the purpose of this post. See below.
2. The second time it hit me harder. I got upset that someone that I agreed with got Banned. It REALLY bothered me. I could not find a way to delete my membership, so I ended up pm’ing V and asked him to delete me from the Forum and I did not want to be associated with NDA any more.
3a. Now I came back again and have been lurking for a few weeks without posting anything. Turns out V didn’t delete me after all … he just changed my identity to “fallen soldier.” When I logged on a few weeks ago that’s how I came up. Thanks V for leaving me in the Forum.
3b. So, I’m not “fallen soldier” … I’m sl1000794 aka Steve Lodoen. Grew up in Bottineau, BSCE from UND 1968, worked construction all my life, retired 2008, spend winters in CA and summers on Lake Metigoshe.
3c. So why am I reviving an almost 4 month old thread. I feel that no one would post something that they would not say in a public discussion if everyone knew their name and background. I see a lot of posts in this thread that I do not think people would post if their personal info were known, so I want to add my post and revive this thread. I wish that to be a member on any/all forums you had to include your real name and some personal info in your membership application so people knew who you are - just like I included my info in the paragraph above. If that were a requirement, I think that many of the posts in this thread would not have been included. I don’t have anything on the internet to hide, so I do not have a problem telling people who I am. I know there are arguments about putting your personal info on the internet, but everyone has other info out there already that identifies them if someone wants to spend the time and money to find it.
I just think that posts on NDA would be much more civil if other members knew who was posting.
My $.02.
This should be good for another 20 pages at least.
V, take a poll to see if members want their and others personal info known to the public. I would like to see the results!