Well this year we are planting a couple parker pear trees to use as pollinators for our luscious pear trees along with a few more cherry, plum, and apple trees (varieties to be determined). We tried some off the wall bushes last year as well. We planted Honey Berries, which I had never heard of before and am so far, very happy with their performance. Of the 15 we planted last year, all of them are leafed out and on the move already. They are zone 2 plants, so I have high hopes for these things. Might plant a few more of these if I can find them. Haven't tried the fruit yet as the birds are much faster than I am, but I have hope for this year. The final picture for our annual planting is always a mystery, but it never fails that I end up feeling like a gopher due to the number of holes I seem to dig every year. LOL!! Happy Planting!