I sat with a Chiropractor once at a fund raiser, good fella, but had the I am an educated Dr. and the rest of you at this table are not.
I of course knowing the answer( surprisingly not being a doctor and all) asked him how he regarded childhood vaccinations, well after 7 minutes of his "expert" opinion on how vaccines cause autism, and other tragic issues in our youth, I asked if they had a text book in chiropractic school that they all got the same nifty talking points from, or if he had some solid scientific backing. He kindly reminded me "if you were a doctor like me you would understand"
Reminds me of this guy
Guess what, you are not the smartest guy in the room, just because you say you are doesn't make it so.
Take a step off your high horse, act like a North Dakotan, and see everything you are missing looking down your nose.
Asking if your dad could beat up my dad is all you are doing here. Peoples favorite can be for reasons you disagree with, but that sure doesn't make them wrong.
Who is the best actor?
Who was the best military general?
Which state has the hottest chicks?
Same question you are throwing out there, but less gay.