"Excess" Corp lands above 1620 in Emmons and Morton Counties to Private Owners


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
That's funny. People liked it here. I would have expected you to post something that put me I a bad light. Since the toon mentioned sodium pentothol I thought the truth was a funny title for the thread. Anyway Thanks. Hmm I didn't expect you and bobcat to see eye to eye. :)

Edit: Hey another thumbs up on the toon. gst Amazon has just about everything. Check it out. Maybe you can buy a sense of humor. Buy one for Habitat Hugger aka bobkat too.

Edit again: I should say that although this is a toon I think it is true. Not only do I think Obama is a Muslim I think he is Shiite Muslim. I base that on the Muslims he appears to help, and those he appears to dump on. I don't think he likes the Sunni.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
plainsman, bashing Obama no matter how popular does not change the fact you continually post things that simply are not accurate.

I merely thought it amusing when even LB tells you that.

Plainsman exactly which Democrats in our state legislature are "perverts" as you claim and exactly which Republicans are "money worshipers" as you claim?

How about the ones from your district?

Please list them for us with an explanation why.

If you can not, how do we know what you post is "accurate"?

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Anyways, this particular issue is not about the "sage brush rebellion" from the past. It is good to have people like Tim keeping an eye on issues others may not.

We all have that responsibility to keep a watch on our govt and those we elect to represent us to make sure they actually are. And when they are not to speak out with "accurate" facts.

If people are not willing to post things that are accurate and true, we should wonder why.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Indeed these are good discussions especially when actual facts and good information is shared. Holding govt accountable is ALWAYS a good thing.

At the state level, by enlarge these are people willing to serve when most are not. We may not agree with everything, and human nature will arise on ocassion, but for the most part our state legislators are accessible and listen.

If people don;t think so, step; up and run and serve.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
if i had to pick sides id stand sumwhere right in the middle of gst and ghost. both have very good points. i agree that republicans can be money worshipers. esp in nd. not all but a fair few are. for the most part i would sat a fair chunk of our legislators are good down to earth people who listen and respond to there constituents. however there are a few that love money so much they continue to assault the average sportsman in nd. maybe don schneering has there ears a little too much? whatever the case these guys introduce the same bills every session and every time we have to get a posse together and storm the capital. its getting old. you would think we would elect people to represent the majority view in nd. that way we can all go about our day paying taxes and teaching our kids to be productive members of society instead of constantly playing defense against a few money hungry people trying to line there own pockets. term limits and i feel more issues should be decided by ballot initiatives so everyone has a voice. instead of a few rogue legislators and a few legislators who are not educated on an area or perhaps the outdoors.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
"however there are a few that love money so much they continue to assault the average sportsman in nd. "

I am curious about this statement when viewed thru what people expect of their represenatives from this perspective.

Say 50% of the people in a legislators district are sportsmen and lets take one issue NR waterfowl licenses.

80% of those sportsmen hunt waterfowl. so you are at 40% of a representatives constituents.

Out of that 40%, 25% of them have friends or relatives from out of state that come back to hunt waterfowl and support the more liberal season legislation.

So now you are down to 30% of this representatives constituents that may be opposed to a bill liberalizing seasons for NR.

Other people in his district have various businesses impacted favorably by more liberal season dates and as said before relatives that come back to hunt so it talleys up 30% that are for the legislation being sponsored.

So who is he supposed to represent?

Someone always thinks their ox is being gored.

Look at the article written by Trent Loos in the armed protest thread. He put together a group of stakeholders to discuss this Federal lands issue and the group he could nolt get much participation out of was the wildlife orgs.

Why not?

Because behind them (not most of the folks hoping to win a gun at the banquet that don';t have a say in policy) many of those in power ("money worshipers" themselves), don;t want to work together with other stakeholders to find an out come that benefits everyone.

They know especially at the Federal level and in more liberal states they are winning. And what most sportsmen do not realize is that these orgs many times do not have their best interests at heart but rather those of the hardline environmentalists.

Just look to all the access being closed at the Federal level on these "public" lands and who is behind it. Look to everything being kicked off these multiple use "public" lands.

I was friends with Marty Beard on FB from the "my wife is seeing another man" thread. Before he disappeared he had a thing on there about either the NDG&F or the CORP closing access to shore fishing somewhere south of Bismarck I think it was. He raised a stink and people spoke out and got it changed.

So before people think the pendelum only swings one way, that is not how a pendelum works. SOMETHING has pushed hard enough the other way to get it to swing back so far.

We can argue about the chicken or the egg, but that does little to solve the problem.

Keeping an eye on our legislators and those behind them is one of the ways to slow this pendelum down. Foolish rhetoric and false claims only makes it swing harder and farther.

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Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
can make a point in a less than 8524965 words. jesus christ who has time to read that

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so are u suggesting we change a state law based on one or two districts?

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if ramsey and mcintosh counties want to be overun with a bunch of retired sconis hunting and fishing all day everyday be my guest. but if im a nd resident who enjoys hunting a day or two a week i probably wouldnt want to live in these areas anymore. you like affordable farm land gst? because if sconis and sotas can hunt here all season alot more retired rich ones will buy a quarter or two so they can hunt all day everyday. and guess what, when u are bidding next to them at auctions they arent going to stop at 2-3k an acre for marginal farm ground. maybe even sum of the sleezier sconis can start there own underground guide service?. but i suppose you are up in antler thinking ah shit, whats a quarter or two of swamp land gunna hurt? thats just one sconi. multiply that by a few hundred. then a few thousand. now we have a problem. land rates are higher. young bucks cant get in the game anymore. corporate farming moves in and just like that good night nd. the last great state is no more


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Where do you get the idea it was suggested we change a state law based on one or two districts from what was posted?

All that was asked is who that elected representative of that district should represent?

why not answer a simple question with out posting 225 words that avoid answering a simple question?

Every body wants to bitch about politicians because they claim they don't represent what YOU want.

Just maybe they are representing what the people of their district want to keep getting re elected.

Isn;t that what they are suppose to do?

They bring a bill that their district may support to the floor of the legislature and the elected representatives of the rest of the state debate the pros and cons and what their constitutents want and vote accordingly.

Are you suggesting just because 45 district legislators may vote a bill down that is brought to the floor that those representing two districts should not be able to introduce a bill?

Perhaps we should just scrap the idea of a Constitution Republic system and just go to where everything is put before the people and a simple majority rules to get rid of politicians..................... "sconis" hunting in our state will be the least of your worries.

Fewer and fewer people want to accept the responsibility our Founders gave us of controlling govt. About half don't even bother to vote any more. AS long as we get our "free" cheese, we do not care what is going on enough to get involved but we will whine about it on websites.

Tim Sandstrom

Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Jun 18, 2015
People complain legislators don;t listen. Most often these people never bother taking the time to make a difference by showing up.

People will take a sick day cause they're hung over, take a vacation day to go fishing but who takes a day to go testify on something they believe in?

The Founders did not give us a form of govt that we could put on auto pilot. They knew it would require an informed and involved citizenry. Tomorrow is a day we honor those that paid the ultimate price to give us that opportunity...........take a moment to consider that.

Some on here are consistant in complaining the legislators are bought and paid for or ignore the people. But look to what happened when certain votes have been taken right to the people themselves thru the initiated measure.

M 5 was a perfect example. A VAST majority of the people of this state sent a message. These people are not stupid, gullible individuals.
Most people here in MD can still see thru the bullshit no matter what side it comes from. So maybe the legislators ARE listening to the people here in ND.

And if some are not..........we have the ability to replace them with some one that will........yet.

I agree with GST.

A lot of us (me included at times) simply like to whine about things but never do anything. The favorite of mine is "we don't matter so why try." From personal history I'm batting okay. This current subject is an example. I picked up the phone and made phone calls to Hoeven's and the Governor's Office. Mixed in a few others as well. I also emailed and wrote letters. As you can see, it has made a difference.

Sometimes the politicians will give the indication they are not listening. If so, that should motivate you. A call to the newspaper here and there and before you know it your message is being written. Even a phone call to talk radio (even if you don't get on air) and whalla, topics are being discussed. Use the media folks, its there for you.

But most important, direct communication (voice or pen) to the elected individuals in mass quantity will send a signal. Those of you that whine and don't do anything are not helping us who try to do something because its true, ever person matters. Compound interest works in more than just financials.

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this whole land transfer thing is a done deal. politicians don't listen to us peasants and the corp does what the hell it wants to. they answer to no one.

The Lake Sakakawea transfer is more tricky. But yet its an even more prime example of what happens when complacency measured as a victory bites a guy in the ass. We (all of us) slept at the wheel and while we stayed between the lines for many miles we finally crashed. Now we have to scramble. Like this transfer issue Lake Sakakawea needs all of our help too!

Account Deleted

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 20, 2015
For those in Morton county, I have found a couple of our state legislators are pretty good at talking with you and will return phone calls/direct emails.

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And for the NR waterfowl thing, I've done some research and will hopefully be able to post my findings on my next days off. It is pretty damn eye-opening. If you care about waterfowl hunting in the slightest, you're going to want to fight it.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
Tim Wrote:
I picked up the phone and made phone calls to Hoeven's and the Governor's Office. Mixed in a few others as well.

Back home today and doing the same thing myself. I hope the guy in Hoeven's Washington office finally got my name right. He called me about five different names. When I thought he had it and was hanging up he said thank you Mr. Samson. Oh well. Maybe I need to call back.

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
im not disagreeing with gst. i do think the system we have in place works best. my point is when you get a few rogue legislators that keep trying to push something through even tho it repeatedly gets voted down. they keep attaching these bills to things that would get it passed. ie 2 sessions ago it was with a proposed increase to 15 canada geese in early season. sounds good right? get the farmers on board that have goose problems. think about it. you start taking hunting opportunity away from people who arent tied to farms and over time those votes for farmers go away too. you guys who have the opportunity to work y
the land are truly lucky. there are a good number of people raised in small town nd who would love to be on the land but the opportunity wasnt there. we ended up in more urban areas. we are the link between farmers and city folk. you wouldnt believe the misinformed things i hear from people who dont understand rural life. kinda got off track but in short more nr hunters push residents away from hunting or the outfoors. in turn we care less about ouutdoor recreation or farming legislation. when the urban vote outweighs the rural vote and nobody has a tie to the farm community anymore good luck stopping corporate farming and the likes. how will that economically impact rural communties? the first words alot of repulicans mutter are "whats the economic impact" i guess itd be nice to hear "how will it affect quality of life for current nodakers?" every once in awhile too.

Migrator Man

★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 3, 2016
plainsman that is the kind of answer I would expect from someone that bashes ag every chance they get and doesn't take the time to actually go to the legislature and speak with his representatives.

Here is something to think about. Trip mentioned NR hunters. Do you suppose any of the people pushing for these seasons regulations have DU memberships? :;:stirthepot

The fact is there are people within the districts of these legislators that approach them to advocate for these bills. You may not like the bill, others may not like them, but some people do and they speak with their legislators and these legislators from their districts take that to the rest of the legislature.

They are actually doing their job. It is yours and my responsibility to be watchful of what they do and speak out when we are opposed to something and when we support something.

Plainsman, when is the last time you attended a legislative hearing on an issue you are opposed to or support and testified?

Hell even just being there when you sign in you mark down for or against so you don;t even have to testify.

Perhaps it is easier just whining on three different outdoor websites without actually showing up and being involved in the process.

I doubt that is what the Founders had in mind.

So what legislators are members of DU? I thought if you are a member of DU that you have no say in policy?

What is wrong with leaving public land as public land? I don't see how public land should ever be taken away once it is established.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
I hope the guy in Hoeven's Washington office finally got my name right. He called me about five different names.

Well given your tendency to switch names on these websites...................

easy, just a bit of good hearted sarcasm

Trip, not disagreeing that quality of life should be a factor. Sometimes that can be tied to economics a bit.

But you still never answered who that legislator is supposed to "represent" in their district and not get accused of not representing someone?

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So what legislators are members of DU? I thought if you are a member of DU that you have no say in policy?

What is wrong with leaving public land as public land? I don't see how public land should ever be taken away once it is established.

I have no idea what legislators are DU members. People that are NOT DU legislators that are DU members can be pushing their legislators to support things like NR season expansions.

Do you suppose the DU higher ups that come to ND to hunt ducks might like legislators increasing the days they could? It is not just ND bar and hotel owners.

"members" of DU do not get to have a say in formulating policy unless you have "worshiped money" enough to afford to be a large donor. Unless someone here that is a DU member can share where and when their state convention is that they set policy to take to the national org to have adopted.

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Trip, don;t get suckered into the "corporate farming" rhetoric without learning a bit first.

I read an article a while back that said when the next census is done the "urban" representation in our l;egislature of Fargo, Bismarck, Grand Forks and Minot will surpass all others combined so that urban/rural split of control is already there. Only those that want to use that "farmer vs. urban "greedy/hands in the tax payers pockets" to gain something make it an issue. Those that truly want a "quality of life" here in ND realize that making foolish accusations and using that to drive a wedge makes things worse.
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Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
Tim Wrote:

Back home today and doing the same thing myself. I hope the guy in Hoeven's Washington office finally got my name right. He called me about five different names. When I thought he had it and was hanging up he said thank you Mr. Samson. Oh well. Maybe I need to call back.

Plains, "IF" in fact you did make a call, do not call Washington.

Don Larson
Chief of Staff for John Hoeven
312 Federal Building
220 East Rosser Ave.
Bismarck ND 58501

(701) 250-4618


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Migrator Man said,

What is wrong with leaving public land as public land? I don't see how public land should ever be taken away once it is established.

If it is wrong to make public land private, is it right to make private land public? The Garrison Dam is a public works. The greater good for the greatest many. Private land was taken. That is how things get built. However, "if" there was more taken than needed, I have no problem if they want to sell the excess. Previous owners should have first right of refusal.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
Previous owners should have first right of refusal.

How old would they be now? I'm guessing previous owners are no longer alive.

Fritz, why not call the Washington office? Just curious. I called the number Tim had on his first post. By the way I call often. It's sure better than when Dorgan was in. I can't remember the gun bill that was up and I called. I got this lady who started telling me why it was a good thing. I told her I didn't call for her opinion I called to give them mine. Guys like Dorgan didn't represent us. I think many people are like myself and sick of democrats and republicans. I think that's what makes Trump popular. I think very few of our federal or state people actually represent the people. They strike me as arrogant and don't listen.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
PrairieGhost;83399I think very few of our federal or state people actually represent the people.[B said:
They strike me as arrogant and don't listen[/B].

Once again plainsman when was the last time you actually were at the legislature involved in anything?

Maybe there is a reason they don;t listen to you..............I guess if someone was calling me a thief, pervert or money worshipper I likely would not have much time for them either.

The Senator from our district is a Democrat. Sen O'Connell. I think he will likely not be impressed to learn someone thinks he is a "pervert" simply because he is a Democrat.

He is a good person, father and grand father, a great asset to his community and has probably more conservative veiws as a whole than you do. Yet he holds a Democratic affiliation. I have never voted for him because our core ideologies differ, but he has listened and carried bills myself and other consertvatives have presented becasue he thought they were good legislation. He is a good representative in our state govt and yet you have branded him a "pervert" simply because he has a D by his name.

Foolish rhetoric that gains you nothing.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
gst if you noticed I said we have a two party system perverts and money worshipers. I didn't say every individual. You simply like to argue. I think killing the unborn is a perversion. Is your liberal buddy in favor of abortion? Not even animals are as perverse of mind as humans. None of the primitive tribes are as perverse as our nation is becoming. Those that want this land we speak of are money worshipers. So I'll still stick to my idea about our two party system.

Never trust a democrat with you guns and never trust a republican with your public land. Perhaps this sums up why Trump will be our next president. The Sagebrush Rebellion will have to drool over public land a few more years. No matter who wins the next election they (nor you) are not getting it. Dingy Harry and Bundy are two greedy peas in a pod.

Once this land was purchased it belongs to all Americans. The previous owners I would bet are dead and gone. No one has more rights to it than anyone else, including their descendants. The pigs are running for the government trough. Don't get trampled.


New member
May 25, 2016
The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

  1. Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is.
  2. Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt feelings.
  3. Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
  4. Trolls do not abide by etiquette or the rules of common courtesy.
  5. Trolls consider themselves above social responsibility.

  • Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
  • Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
  • The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post online.

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