Again i ask where did i state carrying --- i did not even bring it up. It happened in the parking lot not the bar. Who says the shooters didnt go to vehicle to grab weapons IDK and i dont care. What the press is doing and having people jump on the band wagon is trying to throw the bar owner under the table and ultimately will try to take away his 300k license. The bar owner has a very sucessful business and it is something the bandwagoner does not have so they feel like they have to throw them to the ground and take it away. Yes part of my group was scared due to the news reports. They are not bandwagoners at least they respect the owner. Its not the bar's fault. You make it sound like is "carryings fault" ---ok your anti carrying whatever its just another blame game --- face it
Responsibility is at the Individual Level period.
Carrying -- I have a shotgun rifle and 4wd they are both under my back seat along with a couple box of shells. If that is carrying then it it is what it is. That may be legal or illegal i dont care in the fall that is the way i roll. In the summer I keep some assorted tackle boxes that i cant fit in my boat in that same spot. My guns are locked in my home. I carry when i hunt i carry my rifle into the field

that is my definition of carrying.