Alright guys, since we're all experts here there's simply no need to go elsewhere for answers. Got a buddy that has just acquired a new fishing rig (was a member of FBO not sure if he's here yet, either way he will be here. The boat has been sitting for the last 3 years, he has put new plugs in it, gas etc, even went the extra mile to slap a new prop on it. That's the back story on the boat. It's an older lund with an early 80's 50 horse Merc on it. The trusty tried true and blue style. Just trying to get him out on the water but we've got some problems. After a minor tune up and good cleanup at home he slapped the muffs on it and got er running. It was fireworks, it was time to go fishing. Here's where the problem is (hope your still reading). It starts fine at home with the muffs, get er down to the lake and back er in, nope, no go. We're ballin on a budget here guys, mechanics want way too much $ for labor. I know somebody here has some input. What ya thinking? Took it to the lake 3 times today, Audobon for the first trip with the first round of bad news, got er home and running, then ran to darling and backed her down, nope. Tried one last time, ran fine at home with the muffs once again, back up to darling, nope. Die hard fisherman, just trying to get the lines wet but not experienced with boat motors. Let the guessing games begin.