My HS son drives a '08 Ford escape. Has a replaced motor with about 130k miles. Overall a fairly clean good running car. Last winter the battery went bad so I put a new one in. This winter, with a battery less than a year old it kept dying over night (not every night) or at school when sitting. Couldn't understand it as I have an older hunting pickup sitting next to it with older battery and it never dies. Anyway, kept jumping etc. Put charger on it for 24 hours. It fired up and he drove it for a couple days then dead again in morning. I wondered if alternator? so I had a local mechanic come and get it and plug in to see if a code would read. Nothing. He thought bad battery or a drain. Finally, took battery out and back to place where I got it. They tested it and said stone dead. Replaced for free. I take it home, slap it in and it fires right up. Think awesome, just a bad battery. Next morning my son leaves for school....dead. What the hell! It has to be drain?? How do you find it? Do I pull all fuses one a time to check. I don't have a heated garage space to do anything. If I take it in, it'll cost me a ton of money to find it. Car is worth probably $2500 is all. Or could it be something else???