Spot on wj,agreed 100%,if this passes,college's are already laid ground work to increase tuition fee's,why not? feds covering for the snowflakes....puke.;:;barf;:;barf;:;barf
Something needs to be done. I was kicking and screaming for it to happen when Trump had the majority for two years. It should've been done then. No one is doing a single thing to fix the problem. I'm not even seeing recommendations. It's crazy IMO! All the republican politicians complaining today that were in their positions in 2017 and 2018 should keep their mouth shut because they did NOTHING when they had the chance. The university system is out of control and everyone knows it. I see 3 options.
1. eliminate federally insured loans altogether and make people apply for loans through the private sector. If you have good grades and a legit career field picked out, the market (banks) will reward you and invest in you. Set a maximum interest rate and parameters to help prevent prejudices. If you're going into some BS, you better have mommy and daddy to fund you.
2. Allow a max of $10-15K federally insured for two years and then apply for loan through private sector for the remainder. That gives people like me who screwed off in HS a couple of years to establish good grades at the college level and show you're working toward a legit major before having to apply for additional school funding.
3. Allow max 10-15K federally insured for a maximum of 5 years unless you're enrolled in a post-graduate degree. Then extend the term and increase the amount to something like $25K.
All of those options would require colleges to trim down substantially. And then departments getting the axe would be the ones that are not needed. We would get to a point where only a handful of schools would offer gender studies, left-handed puppetry, and/or toilet paper math as a major. None of this will happen. Tuition just went up another $10,000 for next year. In two years before the next election, expect it to happen again.