
Davey Crockett

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Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
Anyone have it and had to quit drinking or is there another drink other than beer that is more diabetic friendly ?

Wild and Free

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Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
west of mandan
Any and all alcohol turns to glucose in the body, Best to cut out all grain as that is the worst driver of glucose in our diets, we are bombarded with it from all sides. I went 100% grain free a year ago and went from prediabetic with high ldl cholesterol which is caused primarily from high glucose from grains which the human body was never designed or meant to eat in the first place. I am now 82 lbs lighter and have perfect glucose and cholesterol numbers by simply exercising and going grain free over the last year. I cut out beer and now drink more dark Jamaican rums and dark brandies which is made from wine same as Cognac, as far as beer replacement I and my wife like the Angry Orchard hard apple ciders, they have several different flavors we like.

Twobooks to read one by Dr William Davis " Wheat Belly total health" the other by Dr David Perlmutter, "The grain Brain book" both will open your eyes as to the dangers and damage grains have on our bodies as a whole.

Do you have type 2 or 1 or just prediabetic?

Pre and type 2 are 100% reversible by nothing more than diet and lifestyle changes and will keep you from falling into the medical trap and medications which absolutely nobody with pre or type 2 need to be on.
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Davey Crockett

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Apr 22, 2015
Type 2 , Wife has been grain free for many years me 2 or 3 but I do sneak a slice of whole grain toast almost once a day. I had eaten out of a lunch box for 40 years when I found out I had it so healthy eating was an adjustment. I hope your right about everyone being able to get off the meds but it seems Without them I can't get below 280 or so, With shots pills and healthy lifestyle I can get down to something half way normal but if I "fall off the wagon" for a few days and have a few beers and eat junk food I will most likely peg out the meter for a few days. I'll have to look into the angry orchard if they are like a wine cooler,Not much for hard stuff but spiced rum is ok but then you need pop for a mix so that'n not good either.

Wild and Free

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Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
west of mandan
If you look at glucose charts and read the 2 books you will learn whole wheat bread is the worst of the worst for raising blood glucose levels the fastest. OJ and any citrus fruit juices like grape fruit juice are a no no also. A single 8 oz glass of them has the equal amount of sugar as eating about a dozen of the actual fruit.

Grain free for me is no wheat products of any type at all or pastas, no oats of any sort no rice products of any sort, no corn products period except for popcorn on occasion.
Stay away from gluten free stuff like baked goodies and crackers and such, I learned that the hard way and is how I learned of the total grain free eating and the books.
I was losing a steady 3-4 lbs a week for about 3-4 months and decided to start trying a lot of the gluten free products and within the week my weight loss dropped to about a pound a week and I was working out even harder, found out that when they remove the wheat gluten they replace it with lots of starches from other grains and add more fats and sugars to them to keep consistency and taste so most gluten free products are worse than eating the wheat gluten, once I learned this I went to all natural whole foods from scratch and my weight loss kicked back into the norm of 3-4 lbs a week. lost 80 lbs in 8 months.

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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Can you expand on the OJ thing, I love a glass of OJ in the morning, but I believe not all OJ is the same, concentrate, 110% juice and all that, I basically drink what mamma buys

Wild and Free

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Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
west of mandan
WW, Do a search on Glycemic index charts and you will see what I mean, no two charts are the same but will give you a general idea.

Comes down to one basic thing, we need to cut out the heavy carbs from our diets as they all contribute to high glucose which triggers our organs to produce insulin to fight the glucose, the insulin and glucose attack our good HDL cholesterol and break it down into the smaller LDL cholesterol which is normal to have but too much is what causes issues, bring your glucose levels down and cholesterol follows suit as the body goes back to processing fats like it is meant to and not blood sugar or glucose which is not natural. This is why we are such an obese world now, everything is grain based.

Everyone must read the books I post about they are truly eye opening and will answer all questions one would have.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
WW, Do a search on Glycemic index charts and you will see what I mean, no two charts are the same but will give you a general idea.

Comes down to one basic thing, we need to cut out the heavy carbs from our diets as they all contribute to high glucose which triggers our organs to produce insulin to fight the glucose, the insulin and glucose attack our good HDL cholesterol and break it down into the smaller LDL cholesterol which is normal to have but too much is what causes issues, bring your glucose levels down and cholesterol follows suit as the body goes back to processing fats like it is meant to and not blood sugar or glucose which is not natural. This is why we are such an obese world now, everything is grain based.

Everyone must read the books I post about they are truly eye opening and will answer all questions one would have.

Sounds reasonable, but I fail to see the relationship between my glass of OJ and heavy carbs like bread.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
If you look at glucose charts and read the 2 books you will learn whole wheat bread is the worst of the worst for raising blood glucose levels the fastest. OJ and any citrus fruit juices like grape fruit juice are a no no also. A single 8 oz glass of them has the equal amount of sugar as eating about a dozen of the actual fruit.

Grain free for me is no wheat products of any type at all or pastas, no oats of any sort no rice products of any sort, no corn products period except for popcorn on occasion.
Stay away from gluten free stuff like baked goodies and crackers and such, I learned that the hard way and is how I learned of the total grain free eating and the books.
I was losing a steady 3-4 lbs a week for about 3-4 months and decided to start trying a lot of the gluten free products and within the week my weight loss dropped to about a pound a week and I was working out even harder, found out that when they remove the wheat gluten they replace it with lots of starches from other grains and add more fats and sugars to them to keep consistency and taste so most gluten free products are worse than eating the wheat gluten, once I learned this I went to all natural whole foods from scratch and my weight loss kicked back into the norm of 3-4 lbs a week. lost 80 lbs in 8 months.


So what can you eat, and where?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Bismarck, ND
Sounds reasonable, but I fail to see the relationship between my glass of OJ and heavy carbs like bread.

Think of a brick shed and a brick mansion. Completely different structures serving completely different purposes. Break them down and you find that the bricks are the same size, color, and density. The building blocks of OJ and bread will be your carbohydrates. Simple carbs are broken down rather easily and exit the body faster. Blood glucose spikes and insulin (from your pancreas) breaks them down to be used for fuel. This is the blood glucose spike and insulin response. The body gets used to that because we ingest so many carbs. It now thinks that it's our primary fuel. So, when you take in an excess amount of carbs (complex) the body doesn't expend energy to break them down because they can use the simple carbs so much easier. The body then stores the complex carbs as fat (adipose). Once you eliminate or reduce the amount of carbs going in the body, the body then starts to utilize the adipose tissue for it's fuel source, which is known as ketosis.

Wild and Free

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Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
west of mandan
To WW, Dirty Mike just provided an excellent description of the correlation above, it all comes down to blood sugar control which will keep almost all diseases under wraps once you get the inflammation out of your body otherwise known as extracellular fluid or excess fat many ways to describe it.


At home we make everything from scratch using whole ingredients and the choices are endless. Eating out we stay away from the deep fry places and pizza joints and that's about it, most all restaurants are very grain free friendly or have many gluten free choices on the menus, we eat soups and salads like normal just pick the croutons out, eat lots and lots of meat, fish ect as long as it is not breaded, all the eggs you want to eat, nuts except for peanuts which are a legume and not a nut to start with. If you ask at any eatery other than the deep fry and some small mom and pops places that only serve deep fried dough stuff you have endless choices if you look at the menu. It takes some getting used to but once in the habit is really easy. I didn't go grain free overnight it was about a 6 month process until I finally decided to do it 100% and my body detoxed from it now I do not even crave it anymore. I knew when it happened as I never ever ate fruit and one day my body suddenly wanted it and I have eaten lots of fruits and berries and lots more veggies ever since, my body knew what it wanted once the crap was flushed from my system. By nature we are designed to eat high fat foods unlike what the modern medical field says which is all about treating symptoms and not the root cause of our health issues, all about making money just like any other "Industry" No money in healthy people.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Boy, this has been a lot to take in. Seems like a lot of vegetables and meat, hope to find something that is lunchbox friendly. Thanks guys


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Mobridge, SD
Worm Wiggler, OJ is completely processed, enters the gut in almost like a sugar spike. Think of eating an orange rather than the OJ. You've got pulp, along with the process of eating the orange, body supplies insulin in a nice and steady state. With the OJ the response is a big bolus of insulin, which contributes to insulin resistance over time, and probably affects the production of insulin. Glycemic indexes are one area to research. If you're having pasta, have it el dente, less of an insulin spike. Microwaved potatoes create less of an insulin spike than baked potatoes. You'll learn what you can eat with out creating such high insulin needs and spikes. We're finding out now that cholesterol may not be as important as once thought (low LDL), we are realizing that cholesterol control is not leading to much for better patient outcomes. There is a response involving inflammation that appears to correlate with adverse outcomes; cholesterol plays a role.
If I was a type II diabetic (I am not, nor do I follow any particular diet, outside of eating healthy as much as possible) with mostly insulin resistance, I would get my diet under control and develop an exercise program. I would consider Metformin as it can cause a weight loss, with the goal to be off within a year.

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