Anyone have it and had to quit drinking or is there another drink other than beer that is more diabetic friendly ?
WW, Do a search on Glycemic index charts and you will see what I mean, no two charts are the same but will give you a general idea.
Comes down to one basic thing, we need to cut out the heavy carbs from our diets as they all contribute to high glucose which triggers our organs to produce insulin to fight the glucose, the insulin and glucose attack our good HDL cholesterol and break it down into the smaller LDL cholesterol which is normal to have but too much is what causes issues, bring your glucose levels down and cholesterol follows suit as the body goes back to processing fats like it is meant to and not blood sugar or glucose which is not natural. This is why we are such an obese world now, everything is grain based.
Everyone must read the books I post about they are truly eye opening and will answer all questions one would have.
If you look at glucose charts and read the 2 books you will learn whole wheat bread is the worst of the worst for raising blood glucose levels the fastest. OJ and any citrus fruit juices like grape fruit juice are a no no also. A single 8 oz glass of them has the equal amount of sugar as eating about a dozen of the actual fruit.
Grain free for me is no wheat products of any type at all or pastas, no oats of any sort no rice products of any sort, no corn products period except for popcorn on occasion.
Stay away from gluten free stuff like baked goodies and crackers and such, I learned that the hard way and is how I learned of the total grain free eating and the books.
I was losing a steady 3-4 lbs a week for about 3-4 months and decided to start trying a lot of the gluten free products and within the week my weight loss dropped to about a pound a week and I was working out even harder, found out that when they remove the wheat gluten they replace it with lots of starches from other grains and add more fats and sugars to them to keep consistency and taste so most gluten free products are worse than eating the wheat gluten, once I learned this I went to all natural whole foods from scratch and my weight loss kicked back into the norm of 3-4 lbs a week. lost 80 lbs in 8 months.
Sounds reasonable, but I fail to see the relationship between my glass of OJ and heavy carbs like bread.