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I've got a kimber solo 9mm. Holds 7 with one in the chamber. I wrestled with how to conceal it for a year. I wear dress pants, shirt and tie to work. Tried an ankle holster for about a month. It sucked. Always pulling out hairs and cutting off circulation. Under the shirt wasn't an option cause part of the holster is visible and it's hard to get at with a tucked in shirt and no suitcoat. Back was also no desirable without a suitcoat. I also wanted to come up with a solution that would allow me to carry the same way when not at work wearing regular attire. I settled on a little fabric type pocket holster. It originally had like a belt or pocket clip thing on it. I cut it off. It pretty much just looks like I've got big wallet and some other shit in my pocket. Can carry in any outfit with pants pocket. It slides in and out nicely and the holster makes it look less like a gun. I am pretty happy with the set up all factors considered. Will take a pic later and post it.