Thought about quick loads. can you spot and predict accuracy nodes??
No. Velocity predictions via Powder charge manipulations are linear in the program. The prediction output related to velocity and bbl length is also linear so no accounting for when you're achieving more or less efficient/complete burn based on bbl length.
In my version there's no accommodations made for different twist rates either. We'll see if the newest version has a function for that when I receive mine.
The 1st and IMO biggest benefit is that you're in no way hampered or pigeon-holed into any one manufacturers data. Let's say you nabbed some Alliant R-17 or R 26 and you want to load it in your 6.5 CreedMoor with a 143ELD-X. We know both willl work, but, there's no data on the Alliant site and I don't want to download the Hornady app. I run a 140gn TSX out of my .270Win. Alliant only shows R-16 data on their site. I'm pretty sure that '17, '19, '22, '23, and '26 are all also good choices. I can run all of that in QL at the click of a mouse. Items there's little-to no data for as well, like heavy .224's from a fast-twist 22-250, swift, 22-243, etc.
Next are the predictions one can cross-reference with Chrono readings as a sanity check on safe powder charges. Customize your seating depth, bbl length, capacity of fired brass, etc.
I'm sure there's more as well. I suspect I use about 10% of what the program is capable of doing. I've probably spent ~$300-$325 in the initial program and updates/upgrades. I suspect I've saved myself at least that much or more plus the space of not having to buy a reloading manual in 15yrs as they're essentially obsolete for me.