I kinda hate to bring this back to the top again but since I’ve said most of not all of my friends and relatives out west we’re all for 2315, and they would have been in favor of any anti-trespassing attempt from how it sounded, stricter the better. I figured I’d share a bit of the circus that goes on in those parts. Now technically this instance and many others, and there are many, isn’t “trespassing” like we are normally talking about nor are they hunting related but this is what has some of them all in favor of anything making things tougher for people to trespass. Frustration makes folks support anything attempt at a solution rather than none. In some cases it’s tough to blame them. This is on a friends land. Some bozo just decided to dump some extra cement wherever he felt like. The goofy shit is pretty common anymore and it’s not like this is a seldom travelled area. Awfully bold they are.