I used to post really good info regarding the stages of the Blackbird Migration, folks seemed to not be very thankful.
The owner of NDO got Big-Time T'd off when I mentioned that he hunts waterfowl on Old Wives Lake SK. That little nugget got erased mighty quickly and got me banned. Got me short-term banned again when NDO and FBO merged and I mentioned it a 2nd time.
Pretty sure this gem is a result of the originator of NDO:
Curious though SDMF, why did the owner care that you mentioned he hunted in Sask?
Because Old Wives Lake is his "Secret Spot".
FBO made Toby a raging alcoholic and lunatic? That’s too bad.
WOW, if this is true then I am not bound by any contract anymore and can explain in depth about my time there and so forth...that contract is why I cannot say anything about what happened nor what I was told to do and so forth etc....I would get sued and all that jazz. If the site is not active or current then I am allowed to speak but if it is just a glitch in the scheme of things then I cannot talk. I would love love love to explain but confidential things I am not allowed to talk about on an open forum such as this. Guess we will find out...it is like that drama show I used to watch when I was younger "as the world turns".
So the official oilfield truck trading card thread with all those bakken points is lost and gone forever.
WOW, if this is true then I am not bound by any contract anymore and can explain in depth about my time there and so forth...that contract is why I cannot say anything about what happened nor what I was told to do and so forth etc....I would get sued and all that jazz. If the site is not active or current then I am allowed to speak but if it is just a glitch in the scheme of things then I cannot talk. I would love love love to explain but confidential things I am not allowed to talk about on an open forum such as this. Guess we will find out...it is like that drama show I used to watch when I was younger "as the world turns".
My armchair lawyer advice to you would be to clam-up, until you are 100% sure. Sounds like you're chomping at the bit to sling some mud. That's fine. But for your own sake, be careful. Make sure you don't land in hot water.