Active Member
It will never change and although I actually agree with the premise of a few your points your just stirring the pot here. I had a great field lined up for opening weekend. Was waiting till Saturday when a few of my friends were off work so we could hunt it. Had permission from the landowner (personal friend) who gave me signs to make sure it was posted up good. I posted every corner and approach. Went scouting friday night to only find 40 birds in the field (had been 300). started looking around and all the no hunting signs were laying face down in the dirt with tracts headed out at one of the approaches. A local farmer stopped by and said he saw some guys from Minnesota hunting that morning and it sounded like they had a good shoot. I drove out in the field and sure as shit about 5 boxes of empty hulls lay (another huge pet peeve). I reported it to the game warden but doubt anything will come of it because a gray silverado isn't exactly a rare truck. Its just frustrating. Its not just out of staters that pill this crap but it seems they are often the ones doing it. There is a sense of entitlement because they drove 10 HOURS to get here.
Anyways carry on.
Anyways carry on.