FBO a sinking ship


Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Apr 20, 2015
there were a lot of us that got pretty aggressive on certain topics. But I think we knew who we were and we were alright with it. I think all of us would get in a boat and fish together and come to a middle of the road place on pretty much everything we discussed. You have to remember most of us have been jarring for fifteen plus years on that site. It was nothing new. But what got me banned was the most idiotic thing you could imagine. I posted the video of Joe Biden call out his old butt buddy lol. Apparently Toby is Joe's old butt buddy. But I guess posting (cut and paste) the PM he sent me didn't help. But it was classic, I wanted all to see how retarded the guy was.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
It was obvious that toby never was on the site until he became a mod.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
North Dakota
Just went to check it out and the top thread is about a thread that got deleted. Of course it was a political thread.

The stratagem of this site is doing really well. It didn't take long to figure out how to do most everything either. Easy to navigate, good articles to read and great threads so far. Looking forward to longevity in this site as well.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Let's be honest, gst, you did a lot of political feather ruffling over there. I don't intend to start a hyperlink war with you. You made many good points and you made Quincy look like a hypocritical moron most times. For that I thank you. I do ask that you start commenting on the outdoor related topics instead of the ones involving some sort of conflict.

Back to the topic, plainsman now has two defunct websites to aimlessly roam. Let's hope that the Q man and others like him stay put.

I'm sure I did ruffle a few political feathers of those few that had a "progressive" ideology on FBO. I am sure I ruffled a few feathers of those that wish to make comments and claims regarding ag that simply are not accurate or sometimes out right lies.

It was either wags or meelosh that asked on FBO why I don't post a lot on outdoors stuff or post pics and I gave him an honest answer and it was indicated that the answer was fair enough.

I don't think I am all that knowledgble to be giving other people advice on outdoor stuff. There are guys on here that share knowledge that have much more experience than I do. I have friends that are pretty smart about reloading, trapping, decoying, calling ect.... that I can talk to if I have a question about something. I don't know how to post pics and honestly I don't know if I necessarily want to.

I may be selfish, but lots of pics of limits of walleye or perch from ice fishing gets neighbors you may not want on the ice by a house with your name on it. Lots of pics of big bucks gets jackasses pestering where they know you hunt. I'm kind of a private person when it comes to that with my kids and a few friends reserved for that knowledge and experience.

I appreciate this is intended to be an outdoors site and if I did not like reading about other peoples outdoor experiences I would not be here. On occasion I contribute a little to that. I appreciate the politics section is designed how it is on here, and I am serious when I said early on I hope some of the bashing of how people make their living that does impact the outdoors (ag) can be held to a minimum here.

As I have said on other sites, there are jackasses in both ag and the outdoors, but the reality is they are in the vast minority. On FBO and the old Nodak, they seemed to be very vocal. Hopefully I can oblige and converse more about hunting and fishing than people bashing on ag on this site.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
I'm glad I'm not the only one talking to myself in my little box. Stop mocking my damn underwear you tools.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 14, 2015
That was the main problem i saw too. no matter how many times you tried to explain it, it just went in one ear and out the other.

Oh well, not my problem.

I'm sure I did ruffle a few political feathers of those few that had a "progressive" ideology on FBO. I am sure I ruffled a few feathers of those that wish to make comments and claims regarding ag that simply are not accurate or sometimes out right lies.

It was either wags or meelosh that asked on FBO why I don't post a lot on outdoors stuff or post pics and I gave him an honest answer and it was indicated that the answer was fair enough.

I don't think I am all that knowledgble to be giving other people advice on outdoor stuff. There are guys on here that share knowledge that have much more experience than I do. I have friends that are pretty smart about reloading, trapping, decoying, calling ect.... that I can talk to if I have a question about something. I don't know how to post pics and honestly I don't know if I necessarily want to.

I may be selfish, but lots of pics of limits of walleye or perch from ice fishing gets neighbors you may not want on the ice by a house with your name on it. Lots of pics of big bucks gets jackasses pestering where they know you hunt. I'm kind of a private person when it comes to that with my kids and a few friends reserved for that knowledge and experience.

I appreciate this is intended to be an outdoors site and if I did not like reading about other peoples outdoor experiences I would not be here. On occasion I contribute a little to that. I appreciate the politics section is designed how it is on here, and I am serious when I said early on I hope some of the bashing of how people make their living that does impact the outdoors (ag) can be held to a minimum here.

As I have said on other sites, there are jackasses in both ag and the outdoors, but the reality is they are in the vast minority. On FBO and the old Nodak, they seemed to be very vocal. Hopefully I can oblige and converse more about hunting and fishing than people bashing on ag on this site.

I don't think you could have said it any better Gabe!
Hope calving went well!



Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Thanks Terry, calving did go well, a few long days and nights but that's kinda to be expected. I used to like calving so much I would have done it year round, now at 52 a couple months is long enough. Still my favorite time and thing to do.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 13, 2015
Bismarck, ND
I get your defensiveness towards your profession. That's a never ending battle for me. Justifying what I do is part of the job. Coming on outdoor websites to tell them why they're wrong isn't how I want to go about it. My family has deep roots into farming and cattle. My parents were the rarity when they split off to work at a coal mine and cut hair. I get it. From what I've read about you, gst, it seems you're pretty knowledgable when it comes to growing things and raising cattle. You do a lot for conservation from what I see. Maybe that's your niche. Fish numbers and big deer are why most of us are here in the first place. I think it's everyone's duty to share at least a picture. Locations and tactics are key ingredients to becoming successful. Share, or don't, we all understand. I'm not the most knowledgable guy on topics here but I find something in the old noggin that I can type. It may add to the conversation, it might detract. But I digress. FBO sucks.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
Did you like the time I posted AC/DC TNT in your honor during a valiant battle with Queercy? You never acknowledged and it sort of skinned my feelers. I don't believe you'd have an alter ego in which I'm in "conflict". I know there's a few of those...Sad really. It should be against the law to have multiple code names.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm sure I did ruffle a few political feathers of those few that had a "progressive" ideology on FBO. I am sure I ruffled a few feathers of those that wish to make comments and claims regarding ag that simply are not accurate or sometimes out right lies.

It was either wags or meelosh that asked on FBO why I don't post a lot on outdoors stuff or post pics and I gave him an honest answer and it was indicated that the answer was fair enough.

I don't think I am all that knowledgble to be giving other people advice on outdoor stuff. There are guys on here that share knowledge that have much more experience than I do. I have friends that are pretty smart about reloading, trapping, decoying, calling ect.... that I can talk to if I have a question about something. I don't know how to post pics and honestly I don't know if I necessarily want to.

I may be selfish, but lots of pics of limits of walleye or perch from ice fishing gets neighbors you may not want on the ice by a house with your name on it. Lots of pics of big bucks gets jackasses pestering where they know you hunt. I'm kind of a private person when it comes to that with my kids and a few friends reserved for that knowledge and experience.

I appreciate this is intended to be an outdoors site and if I did not like reading about other peoples outdoor experiences I would not be here. On occasion I contribute a little to that. I appreciate the politics section is designed how it is on here, and I am serious when I said early on I hope some of the bashing of how people make their living that does impact the outdoors (ag) can be held to a minimum here.

As I have said on other sites, there are jackasses in both ag and the outdoors, but the reality is they are in the vast minority. On FBO and the old Nodak, they seemed to be very vocal. Hopefully I can oblige and converse more about hunting and fishing than people bashing on ag on this site.

Did you like the time I posted AC/DC TNT in your honor during a valiant battle with Queercy? You never acknowledged and it sort of skinned my feelers. I don't believe you'd have an alter ego in which I'm in "conflict". I know there's a few of those...Sad really. It should be against the law to have multiple code names.

- - - Updated - - -

SERIOUSLY?! Holy eff these damn boxes


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Is there an echo in here or does Svn have a ghost writer?

Kentucky Windage

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 25, 2015
Wendy Peffercorn’s Bedroom
I saw on here that this site was brought up on FBO, but promptly deleted. How is it that any other website can and has been mentioned there except this one? Must have hit a sore spot. I would love to hear the conversation among the owners/staff about what is going on over there right now. I bet it's priceless.

- - - Updated - - -

I bet the conversation looks something like that clip with hitler arguing with his generals in his bunker days before the fall! Remember seeing some words put to it on FBO. Anyone savvy enough to make that happen?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
NW ND somewhere
I would like to share my experience regarding my view on Nodak and FBO. Was nothing more than just finding out information and such, I didn't posted much nor did I give any bullsh*t to anyone , I just more so read the thread on these sites. Watch Nodak go down like a turd in the toilet....looking the way things are going on FBO, its heading that direction as well. I agree that it takes a bad apple to ruin it for everyone. Some people are sensitive about how someone slams them and some people aren't, everyone has different knee jerking reaction to a certain level.

When I was on FBO, I notice a few of the members had bikini clad gals for avatars, I thought well if everyone else can do it, I was gonna do it to, for fun. I put one up, FBO took it down...no warning, no PM..nada.....Johnr and the others still had theres up, so I emailed them asked why mine got taken off and others are still up....no answer....few days later I couldn't get in my account. Emailed them to send me my password...again...nothing...emailed them again....nothing. I was forced to start a new account.. I started out as 'That New Guy'....Now known as 'DoubleOdd7'. The point I'm getting at is, I was literally new on the block, trying to fit in with everyone else, wasn't being a jackwagon and I felt that they thought I was a threat, locked me out of my first account.

I'm feeling the love on this site....keep it up guys:cool:
And Vollmer...you 'The Man'


Jul 2, 2014
Surrey, ND
I would like to share my experience regarding my view on Nodak and FBO. Was nothing more than just finding out information and such, I didn't posted much nor did I give any bullsh*t to anyone , I just more so read the thread on these sites. Watch Nodak go down like a turd in the toilet....looking the way things are going on FBO, its heading that direction as well. I agree that it takes a bad apple to ruin it for everyone. Some people are sensitive about how someone slams them and some people aren't, everyone has different knee jerking reaction to a certain level.

When I was on FBO, I notice a few of the members had bikini clad gals for avatars, I thought well if everyone else can do it, I was gonna do it to, for fun. I put one up, FBO took it down...no warning, no PM..nada.....Johnr and the others still had theres up, so I emailed them asked why mine got taken off and others are still up....no answer....few days later I couldn't get in my account. Emailed them to send me my password...again...nothing...emailed them again....nothing. I was forced to start a new account.. I started out as 'That New Guy'....Now known as 'DoubleOdd7'. The point I'm getting at is, I was literally new on the block, trying to fit in with everyone else, wasn't being a jackwagon and I felt that they thought I was a threat, locked me out of my first account.

I'm feeling the love on this site....keep it up guys:cool:
And Vollmer...you 'The Man'

NDA shall be the turd that will out-float even the strongest flushes! Might make that our motto ;)

Long Range Hunter

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 29, 2015
I would like to share my experience regarding my view on Nodak and FBO. Was nothing more than just finding out information and such, I didn't posted much nor did I give any bullsh*t to anyone , I just more so read the thread on these sites. Watch Nodak go down like a turd in the toilet....looking the way things are going on FBO, its heading that direction as well. I agree that it takes a bad apple to ruin it for everyone. Some people are sensitive about how someone slams them and some people aren't, everyone has different knee jerking reaction to a certain level.

When I was on FBO, I notice a few of the members had bikini clad gals for avatars, I thought well if everyone else can do it, I was gonna do it to, for fun. I put one up, FBO took it down...no warning, no PM..nada.....Johnr and the others still had theres up, so I emailed them asked why mine got taken off and others are still up....no answer....few days later I couldn't get in my account. Emailed them to send me my password...again...nothing...emailed them again....nothing. I was forced to start a new account.. I started out as 'That New Guy'....Now known as 'DoubleOdd7'. The point I'm getting at is, I was literally new on the block, trying to fit in with everyone else, wasn't being a jackwagon and I felt that they thought I was a threat, locked me out of my first account.

I'm feeling the love on this site....keep it up guys:cool:
And Vollmer...you 'The Man'

Sounds like the liberal way of cutting someone down before they can even get started, just wrong

dust in the wind

Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
somewhere else
Going to guess this is a typo, haha. But, just the same, NDA shall be the turd that will out-float even the strongest flushes! Might make that our motto ;)

I think he meant NodakOutdoors.

Mort - don't sweat it, their method of moderating was hit and miss and they couldn't figure out why we were pushing back at them. Heck it took Ol' toby 4 weeks to ban me for something I posted. When I asked why, he wanted to take to it to email ( I was using a second account at the time) and he would tell me why I was behaving the way I was. HAHAHAHA

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