Moose south of bismarck

dean nelson

Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 17, 2015
This topic used to pop up every now and again and was a fairly big topic a few years back but has kind of died out. So when I spotted a cow moose today a couple miles north of the Hazleton boat ramp the question started to reoccur in my mind. Now the topic i started is moose south of town but would love to here about any between here and the dam and if they are starting to settle out in the hart river valley. The girl today makes the second time I have spotted a cow with calf in the last three years south of the gun range and that's a huge deal because its not just some lost year and a half old bull out for a walk. There is zero doubt we hold some of the best moose ground around between the Missouri and heart river valleys and the huff and porcupine hills and the big draws in between so just wondering what anyone else has seen over the last couple years in this area. Please if its a big bull don't be specific or you may just sign off on its death warrant. but I'm just sitting here very curious to hear what else you guys have seen because I for one kind of enjoy watching them show up in this area and with my tag already filled I more than happy to be just a spectator!

dean nelson

Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2015
Saw a very big bull with a cow and calf last fall on the WMA south of Bismarck.
if you don't mind saying which one Bismarck or mandan. My first bumping was on the south side of the slough a mile SE of the gun range ramp. I personally find it exciting to haveing both a moose heard settling in as well as a burgeoning population of elk roaming the countryside. I just feels a little more wild to be setting on stand and have a bull moose come by. Or do like I did last year and bang some horns to gather to draw out a buck but all I ended up hearing was a D-9 cat coming through the tree bugling like hell and pissed off like a son of a bitch. Those types of things can take a bad day of deer hunting and make it into a legendary and extremely day in short order.

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