Have youse guyz had pups get so wired up they won't eat supper?,had one boi that was skin and bones after several days bird hunting,he wouldn't eat,milk bones a little extra raw meat in his food bowl helped but it took several days to rebuild his bulk.
My first retriever, nothing special in his blood lines just a good farm dog pupper,hunted him until 13yrs,easy stuff towards the end,little strips of cover etc,road hunt retrieves was his favorite then a new pup,old boi would tag along on road trips but gave me the stink eye and guilted me when i wouldn't hunt him regardless his old bones would lock up at night.
Last few pups i had barely made it past 10yrs old,cancer,lyme.
Pretty sure im on my last pup as my life journey is coming to a close,i can make it out in the field but making it back is questionable most days.