Oh for "F" Sakes!!!!! I'm so sick and tired of cry babies bringing this topic up every fricken year!!!! The system is just fine the way it is. It works and needs no adjustments. Everyone has the same chance of drawing a tag. LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Here's a thought, instead of whining about what other folks get and how you think the system SCREWED YOU, WHY NOT spend that time and effort figuring out how to maximize your own hunting opportunities instead of trying to wreck everyone elses? Maybe MN, MT, or SD may have something to offer??? Oh that's right, if you can't hunt exactly where you want, exactly how you want, with exactly who you want EVERY YEAR for 30 bucks, the system HAS to be broken. F THAT!!!! I just finished a Supremely Awesome big game season where I shot 5 bucks and one doe and only one was from ND. NEWS FLASH WHINERS.......other states have deer and tags that can be purchased over the counter EVERY YEAR!!!!! And keep the money excuse in your purses. That dog won't hunt. Drop a 20 in a jar twice a month. You'll be amazed what you can do with a bit of planning. Park that "I don't have time" BS in your garter belts too. I know guys that have less than 2 weeks of vacation and they amazingly find enough time to go on some great hunts along with everything else life forces a guy to use vacation on. You can tuck the "Travel Problem" complaints in your trusses as well. Seems it's perfectly OK to travel for Mule Deer, Elk, and Moose, family vacations, going to the lakes, weddings, sporting events etc. etc. etc., but NOT to hunt for white tails. WTF?? The statement "Piss Poor Planning on your part does NOT Constitute an Emergency on My Part" is so applicable here. Blame yourselves when you sit on the sidelines. OH CRAP, we can't blame ourselves!! That would make too much sense. LET'S BLAME THE GRATIS TAGS!!! It HAS to be the landowners who chose to buy land who are to blame for me not getting a tag exactly where I want to hunt. Put that garbage in with your Midol. Sniveling hunters find it MUCH easier to blame landowners, or anyone for that matter, instead of their own laziness, lack of forethought, lack of planning, and lack of preparation. Here's my thoughts: Change your hunting strategy instead of trying to change the system. I have ZERO sympathy for any of this. It's a self inflicted condition. Cheese and Rice!! Now I need a drink!! Bash Away Boys!!! I'm ready to rumble!!
As for the OP, draw straws to see who's lucky. It's a great life lesson on how everything doesn't always go your way all the time.