Agreed. Highs below zero really drives it home.
Yeah but just remember the fact that about a week ago we hit the hump crossed over the top and now everyday are average highs are going up instead of down.... very slowly mind you but at least it's the right direction.Agreed. Highs below zero really drives it home.
You must be looking at a different forecast then I am, freaking cold all next week.Yeah but just remember the fact that about a week ago we hit the hump crossed over the top and now everyday are average highs are going up instead of down.... very slowly mind you but at least it's the right direction.
Toby do yourself a favor and STFU
Toby if your dad really died that’s to bad and you have my condolences, but your past behavior indicates that there is a strong possibility you very well may be lying. If your father died that’s still no excuse to go on crazy ass drunken tirates. Shutting up would be in your best interest because you continuously dig yourself deeper and deeper. As far as this website goes I haven’t done much on here in months and I don’t give two shits about impressing anyone on here. Oh and posting your pm?? Yea I did that because you posted it in the thread first and chickened out and deleted it you dipshit!
Toby, the honest to God best thing for you to do is have Vollmer delete your account and walk away from the internet.
True story, not many people gave a shit regardless, all of this is just a website, not real life, doesn't matter in life really. Don't get me wrong but there are those that talk on forums about real life experiences but most don't...forums are just a way to vent after work for most, or during. It's an outlet and I understand that. This is my last post for a bit, I am doing a new thing...damn gym thing, gonna suck since I am getting older.
Take care, good luck, and be safe.
This post keeps coming back to mind
Can you post the obituary so we know where to send condolences ?
Buckmaster81, I sure do hope the best for you...Karma is a bitch. Telling me to shut the fuck up over my father passing away, that is just way way low dude, if it matters he was a Vietnam vet but I bet that doesn't matter to you because you were too chicken shit to server in the military as I have...I will pray for you but since you are obviously a POS I doubt it will do any good, you made that truthful by posting my PM to an open forum for all to see. I could have just called you out on the open forum but brought it to a PM, out of respect that you would be a decent human but I guess I was wrong and then, you being you, the low person that has no confidence or you are that guy that really needs approval from friends, and posts it so you get the "high 5 bro". Me and my brother are sitting here laughing our ass off at you because this website is so so important to you that you would take a PM and post it for all to see, about a Vietnam vet dying, good job buddy, fucking high 5 to you! I hope you feel proud! Hope all of your friends call you and thank you...I think my brother is more pissed at you then I am. Great job man, you are so special. When I called you a garbage person I didn't quite know a lower term than that, but that is what it looks like bro. If you don't feel ashamed then I hope that one day you find god!
I don't get fire hot mad very often but I am. I know I should just let it go but I will not! Being I was there and my dad was a vet too I am fucking offended to shut the fuck up. I don't really feel like I should be so kind now towards some on this website, fucking jokers.
Buckmaster81...hoping Karma hits you and that is normally not my character because I try to help anyone I can but you sir are a low POS. Take care buddy.
How? How in TF did this guy ever get a job to be a forum moderator ? The world can be a
He’s an angry elf!
Please feel free to explain you point on this?
Tried to give you a graceful out to stop the naysayers .