I love it when a plan comes together. Duckslayer100 told me he could only hunt in the morning which SUCKS for the stand I wanted him in due to the fact that the deer wander all over the place with no rhyme or reason. Sitting in the morning usually ends up with a guy listening to snorts, stomps, and other unwanted sounds from being busted by deer as they smell you. So, I cooked up a plan to bring duckslayer into the stand with 20 minutes or so before shooting time with the idea that any deer still wandering about would be encouraged to move into the cover so he could get into the stand and then have them come back out after I had left. Well it worked TOO WELL. We bumped 3 deer that were exactly downwind from the stand so if he would have gone in on foot or been there at the usual time he would have gotten busted and the hunt may have been a flop. The deer just trotted out of the way of the truck and into the brush like they were supposed to and we got him into the stand without any snorting or stomping. 5 minutes after I left him in the stand, he had 4 does come in before he could see them properly to shoot. Then when he could see them they were blended together and didn't offer any clear shots as one was behind the other or facing toward or away. I can only imagine the rodeo they made. Then they walked away and still no shots. Well, first round to the deer. 4 hours or so later a fawn came in with her mama in tow. Mama stayed out a ways, but finally came in to join the fawn offering a nice broadside shot. Duckslayer100 made a PERFECT shot right in the pocket behind the shoulder and the doe piled up after 20 yards. You couldn't have made a better blood trail with a paint roller and a bucket. We didn't take any pics as I wanted to get the doe out of the brush and away from the stand as quick as possible so as not to disturb the other deer too much. We shared some beverages, gutted the deer, and loaded her up for the trip back to town. Congratulations duckslayer on a nice deer!! I'm glad it worked out so well.