I really appreciate the kind words, thoughts, prayers, and sentiments. Like some of you said It helps to know she won’t have another night like last night but man, what a somber atmosphere around here. It’s the 99% of the time she was just being a healthy puppy I can’t get past. This wasn’t an old dog with hundreds of hunts and camping trips and walks through the woods behind her. She had 6 hunts (so glad I took her last fall a few times) and hadn’t even taken her first swim yet. My springer is laying here with me and keeps popping up at every sound thinking it’s her buddy. I’ve lost other dogs and it is always tough. I’m not sure I can get over how quickly things all changed in just three or four weeks with this one. It’s like someone pulled the rug out from under all the plans we had for this spring and summer and fall. I can’t really talk about it yet so rambling and typing helps a little. Anyway, I know most if not all of you can relate so thanks again.