Pheasant Politics


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
WTH happened. I haven't kept up on this subject and when I check here today it's gone from a story about a couple of people running for office and what they wanted to do to help pheasants. Now, several pages later it reads like a free-for-all and people insulting each other. What has happened to decency in this country where we can't have a difference of opinion without insulting each other. Shame on us.

It started off with some information on what is impacting conservation and habitat here in ND. When the reality of the impact some orgs policies had was brought up there was an effort to distract from the truth of it.

If people want to find solutions it is kinda important I think to know the truth of what creates the problem they are trying to solve.

For what ever reason, some want to distract from those truths and drive threads that share some simple facts down the rabbit hole.

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If everything works out fair that would be ok with me. Put stream monitors on every farm and when Valley City, Fargo, and Grand Forks flood you pay your share of damages.

Someones choice to live in a flood plain is someone elses responsibility............#feeltheberniesanders

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
If everything works out fair that would be ok with me. Put stream monitors on every farm and when Valley City, Fargo, and Grand Forks flood you pay your share of damages. Likewise when you spray and it hits someone else. It should work both ways. Also that should mean they don't tax us to pay you. Agriculture is just another business. Right now those departments and agencies are paying tens of millions if not hundreds of millions around the nation for agriculture damage. Lay all the cards on the table. Oh and start paying real rent for public land grazing. Make everyone on both sides of these issues stand on their own, including crop insurance.

Come lay on my leather couch and just let it all out there man.

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
If everything works out fair that would be ok with me. Put stream monitors on every farm and when Valley City, Fargo, and Grand Forks flood you pay your share of damages. Likewise when you spray and it hits someone else. It should work both ways. Also that should mean they don't tax us to pay you. Agriculture is just another business. Right now those departments and agencies are paying tens of millions if not hundreds of millions around the nation for agriculture damage. Lay all the cards on the table. Oh and start paying real rent for public land grazing. Make everyone on both sides of these issues stand on their own, including crop insurance.

Cuts proposed for crop insurance, conservation and more
Courtesy of Farm Network News
The president’s budget is considered a wish list which is largely ignored by Congress. However, it does offer insight into Administration priorities. The White House proposal would cut crop insurance spending by more than $22 billion over ten years. Conservation spending would be cut by $13 billion. The Trump Administration also sees more than $213 billion in potential savings by reforming the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as SNAP. Regarding crop insurance, this proposal calls for a $500,000 Adjusted Gross Income or less to qualify. The Harvest Price Option would be reduced by 15 percent. Crop insurance companies would also see the rate-of-return reduced to 12 percent. New user fees are also proposed for a variety of USDA programs including import inspections, meat inspections and the oversight of federal checkoff programs.

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PG, that is a $13 Billion dollar cut to conservation. You wished for a more level playing field.

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