When the vote on 2315 is held check the Yeas and Nays against the vote on 1428, the Missouri River Land Grab. That vote is here:
The question being on the final passage of the bill (1428), which has been read, and has committeerecommendation of DO NOT PASS, the roll was called and there were 38 YEAS, 54 NAYS,0 EXCUSED, 2 ABSENT AND NOT VOTING.
YEAS: Becker; Bellew; Blum; Brandenburg; Dockter; Grueneich; Hager; Hatlestad;Headland; Hoverson; Johnson, C.; Johnston; Jones; Kading; Kasper;Koppelman, B.; Koppelman, K.; Laning; Lefor; Magrum; Marschall; Paulson; Paur;Pyle; Richter; Rohr; Ruby, D.; Schatz; Schauer; Schmidt; Schreiber-Beck; Simons;Skroch; Steiner; Strinden; Trottier; Vetter; WestlindPage 539540 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE 23rd DAY
NAYS: Adams; Anderson, B.; Anderson, D.; Anderson, P.; Beadle; Boe; Bosch; Boschee;Buffalo; Damschen; Delzer; Devlin; Dobervich; Eidson; Ertelt; Fegley; Fisher;Guggisberg; Hanson; Heinert; Holman; Howe; Johnson, D.; Johnson, M.; Karls;Keiser; Kempenich; Kreidt; Longmuir; Louser; Martinson; Meier; Mitskog; Mock;Monson; Nathe; Nelson, J.; Nelson, M.; O'Brien; Owens; Pollert; Porter; RoersJones; Ruby, M.; Sanford; Satrom; Schneider; Schobinger; Toman; Tveit; Vigesaa;Weisz; Zubke; Speaker KleminABSENT AND NOT VOTING: Kiefert; McWilliamsHB 1428 failed.