One thing I have learned in the past 76 years is the bias and disrespect people have for each other. So many with education think all people without it are stupid, and so many without education think the educated have no common sense or integrity. Both are wrong. Education is simply training. Many are capable, but choose to do something else. Without science we woukd be back on the first century when it comes to technology, but without the non scientists support we woukd not be as comfortable and perhaps dead.
Even with an education in wildlife big game and disease are not my fields of expertise. However when the common person reads the headlines of a study and writes it off as ridiculous he does a disservice to everyone. Fotr example I have heard people talk about how stupid it is to spend a million dollars studying why deer antlers grow so fast. The study was trying to find the trigger that may lead to a cure for cancer, but big mouth arm chair experts jumped all over it. I can't remember the studies a comedian about 30 years ago was makeing fun of, but it exposed nott only his ignorant but his arrogance.
I suspect the people on here are of about equal intelligence, but all have different fields of expertise whether we University or school of hard knocks. I am amazed at some who are experts in everything. Unfortunately those are the people that often know the least.
How important is CWD. I'll be the first to admit I don't know, but it's scary as heck so I want to know.