WY bans all wild caught minnows from being used state wide so the minnows are farmed in Arkansas instead, $5 a DOZEN, drainage minnows are still $3-4 a dozen
Also all boats are inspected at the border in WY before being allowed to enter a lake, all boats passing an inspection station also have to stop. If WY is doing it ND should too. They have found many boats and crafts with mussels. ND should be more proactive especially because of the importance of fishing industry commerce
I was certified a while back (let it lapse now) so I could take my boat into WY without being inspected. The training was an eye opener.....yeah, wildlife can transport it. But boats are the most likely carriers of the junk. All it takes is water to transport them as the velligers are microscopic. Ballast tanks are big culprits, but even just a little water in the bilge can carry it.
Now, is it inevitable? Probably. But why let it spread if you can slow it? I mean in the winter when half the damn county has a cold, do you not wash your hands because getting a cold is inevitable? I don't think so. Getting crazy and spending millions is a little much. Wyoming inspects boats coming in for a pretty small price. ND could do the same. If anything, every boat coming out of there needs to be decontamined on a mandatory basis. Similar to boats coming out of Horsetooth in Colorado. You come out, get decontamed, and then go home. Slow it down at least.
I don't think it is the end of the world but it isn't great. Let's do what we can to slow it down, at least reasonably!