250 LBS of Week - Not Guilty

Davey Crockett

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Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015


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May 18, 2015
Devils Lake
actual LEOs will be the last person i would trust to have an unbiased opinion from on this subject. not all... but, too many of them have tunnel vision on it after being conditioned a certain way for so long. like with so many other things where you have only known one way your whole life, getting you to even consider opening your mind to another way is pert near impossible. judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and correctional officers seem at least willing to have a discussion about it.

( deleted account )

Apr 10, 2018
Lot of valid arguments on this thread. I just feel for the LEOs that put in a good day's work and then something this glaring gets thrown out. And no doubt, the judge had a good reason to do so. I also just read where a LEO in Cass County just resigned after two of his cases were thrown out of court. Its got to be a real challenging job with the laws such as they are.

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lots of time in any profession you do something in good faith and feel you are justified, yet something was found to be not exactly right and though you might or should have have gotten a good result, you realize you should have zigged when you should have zagged,! Happens to all of us, at least in my imperfect profession, but I suppose educating kids might be different! The rest of us are human and sometimes don’t do things exactly righ5!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
actual LEOs will be the last person i would trust to have an unbiased opinion from on this subject. not all... but, too many of them have tunnel vision on it after being conditioned a certain way for so long. like with so many other things where you have only known one way your whole life, getting you to even consider opening your mind to another way is pert near impossible. judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and correctional officers seem at least willing to have a discussion about it.

Can you imaging how dirty LEOs were before everyone had cell phones/cameras?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 20, 2015
First, I don't like marijuana, or care for pot heads. However, I do agree that it is way less harmful than alcohol. So in that case alone I don't care if it is legal. Now, there are parts of this bill that are dumb and the reason I will vote no. The fact that these pot heads want everyone's charges expunged is ridiculous. Especially within 30 days of it passing. Maybe we should also go back and expunge everyone's speeding tickets when they changed the I-94 speed limit from 70 to 75. And pay them their fines back.

Davey Crockett

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Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
First, I don't like marijuana, or care for pot heads. However, I do agree that it is way less harmful than alcohol. So in that case alone I don't care if it is legal. Now, there are parts of this bill that are dumb and the reason I will vote no. The fact that these pot heads want everyone's charges expunged is ridiculous. Especially within 30 days of it passing. Maybe we should also go back and expunge everyone's speeding tickets when they changed the I-94 speed limit from 70 to 75. And pay them their fines back.

I agree, I have no idea what they were thinking when they added that clause. Trying to change the law is one thing, Dissolving existing charges from when the law was in place is a whole nother ball of wax and it makes a typical supporter sound like a criminal.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Feb 15, 2017
Berthold, ND
Man I am probably going to get crushed for this......

As far as the profiling goes, I agree that every single person does it every single day. The only difference is the average person is not a LEO and trying to stop crime. I personally don't care much about the profiling. As long as it continues to solve crimes, keep drugs off the streets, and terrorists off airplanes, I say go for it. If you are not breaking the law, then you have nothing to worry about, your personal space and property shouldn't be an issue if you have nothing to hide. Kind of like a "random" drug test at your workplace, if you are not doing drugs, than you have nothing to worry about and should be happy to prove it.

Those of you that are against "profiling", where is the line? So you don't like somebody profiling and pulling 200lbs of weed out of a car. What if the same situation happened and it was a dead body in the trunk with a knife and fingerprints on it? Should the murderer get charges dropped because of "profiling"?

Davey Crockett

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Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
If anyone crushes you I wouldn't worry about it too much, It goes with the territory of expressing your opinion. As far as the question about where to draw the line, I agree with you that profiling in some instances is ok as long as it's used with moderation. The question is where each one of us think the line should be.

Driving down the road 2 MPH under the speed limit and getting pulled over sounds like over the line to me. I wasn't there so I have no idea what the LEO saw but evidently his explanation to the judge made the Judge feel that this was a witch hunt or he would have never ruled the way he did.
I have nothing to hide when driving down the road but I was also grandfathered into the bill of rights and I have no desire to give any one of them up at the drop of a hat. Be my guest if you want but I won't. The officer had two similar cases thrown out of court and he is gone and the judge is still there. That tells me something.

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Was driving down the road one night on my way home from work pitch dark at 2 AM and all of a sudden cherries lit up in front of me. This was years ago, There had been a murder and the suspects were at large. I was profiled for driving down the road and I am perfectly fine with that and happy that they checked every car in order to make us safe. That said , If I am driving down the road and get pulled over because other people are driving with pounds of weed , I'm not ok with that.

Davey Crockett

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Founding Member
Apr 22, 2015
A thought about profiling and 4th amendment rights. I noticed an ad from a golf course had a year end closing party and special low prices on drinks and the parking lot was full when I drove by. Are you ok with LEO's driving up and down the road and profiling people driving out of the golf course and stopping them on a basis of suspicion ? How about if they profiled every vehicle owner that has a vehicle parked in front of the bar ? I'm glad the judges see the justice based on law , That is what the 4th and the Constitution is based on. Legal rights. Don't be so anxious to give them up, It's about all we have and that's what makes America great.

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I used to think the same as some on here that if I don't have anything to hide I don't have anything to worry about or lose. That type of thinking leads to giving an inch and losing a mile.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
Driving down the road 2 MPH under the speed limit and 5 pulled over sounds like over the line to me.
No officer is going to give you a ticket until you hit 5mph over the limit. However if you see someone acting suspicious, are told over the radio that something is just not right with this vehicle you may follow and wait for probable cause. One mph over the speed limit or even four is not going to get an officer to stop you unless he is watching for probable cause. I think the officer who resigned did so because of his disgust with the judge. What's next 30mph over gets you a speeding ticket, but doesn't give probable cause?
I also don't think LEO are bias, but they see the abuse of pot often, and we all have opinions based on our life experiences. They see the type of people who use it often. There are some normal people, but the majority that LEO deal with are younger, poor grades or drop outs, don't practice much hygiene, and are repeat problems. If your not a LEO your more than likely not aware of such things. The petty vehicle break-in supplements the burger flipping for pot money.
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Kentucky Windage

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Apr 25, 2015
Wendy Peffercorn’s Bedroom
No officer is going to give you a ticket until you hit 5mph over the limit. However if you see someone acting suspicious, are told over the radio that something is just not right with this vehicle you may follow and wait for probable cause. One mph over the speed limit or even four is not going to get an officer to stop you unless he is watching for probable cause. I think the officer who resigned did so because of his disgust with the judge. What's next 30mph over gets you a speeding ticket, but doesn't give probable cause?
I also don't think LEO are bias, but they see the abuse of pot often, and we all have opinions based on our life experiences. They see the type of people who use it often. There are some normal people, but the majority that LEO deal with are younger, poor grades or drop outs, don't practice much hygiene, and are repeat problems. If your not a LEO your more than likely not aware of such things. The petty vehicle break-in supplements the burger flipping for pot money.

You have been brainwashed and I feel sorry for you.

dean nelson

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Founding Member
Jul 17, 2015
No officer is going to give you a ticket until you hit 5mph over the limit. However if you see someone acting suspicious, are told over the radio that something is just not right with this vehicle you may follow and wait for probable cause. One mph over the speed limit or even four is not going to get an officer to stop you unless he is watching for probable cause. I think the officer who resigned did so because of his disgust with the judge. What's next 30mph over gets you a speeding ticket, but doesn't give probable cause?
I also don't think LEO are bias, but they see the abuse of pot often, and we all have opinions based on our life experiences. They see the type of people who use it often. There are some normal people, but the majority that LEO deal with are younger, poor grades or drop outs, don't practice much hygiene, and are repeat problems. If your not a LEO your more than likely not aware of such things. The petty vehicle break-in supplements the burger flipping for pot money.
And once again the easiest comparison I'm pretty sure if you take a look at alcohol you'll find an even bigger and worse group attached to the bad side so to trying to pigeonhole one group because of the bad actions of the small minority is stupid! I'm also pretty sure we had a little thing back in the twenties called prohibition that proved just how stupid making illegal things are sometimes. And I don't give a s*** if its probable cause if you're following somebody looking for any excuse to pull them over that's BS and I'm all for that getting shot in the ass. Where do you draw the line on that that is such a blatant excuse to over execute the law and rife for being abused. And seriously at this point it's getting ridiculous there's no two ways about it we all know it's going legal one way or the other just get it over with and ripe the damn Band-Aid off and get over with this stupidity and all these little rinky-dink laws. we're spending huge amounts of money on what you could just go ahead and Skip and get to the damn point!
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Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
And once again the easiest comparison I'm pretty sure if you take a look at alcohol you'll find an even bigger and worse group attached to the bad side
I agree, but it's worse only because it's more common. Make pot as common and I think things will become worse than alcohol. As far as the physical problems we really don't know yet.

And I don't give a s*** if its probable cause if you're following somebody looking for any excuse to pull them over that's BS and I'm all for that getting shot in the ass.
Some people will call a DUI into law enforcement simply because they want someone in trouble. That call in itself is probable cause, but most officers would follow that vehicle and watch the driving performance. Two reasons one of which is they don't want to be a bother to the innocent, and the second would be to verify the opinion of the caller and have your own probable cause to stop them. If your not doing anything wrong at 2mph over the speed limit your only going to get a warning ticket. No warning ticket and some people will just shrug their shoulders, but others will say they were under the speed limit and cause you problems simply because they hate your ass for some other reason. Perhaps just for being a LEO. They will call you though if someone beats their ass.
Most pot heads hate LEO. I guess to much pot destroys reason. LEO don't make the laws. All LEO can do is enforce the laws you put in place through your representation. Follow the book exactly on probable cause and still people bitch.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
And people that drink alcohol hate cops only when they are drunk. Seems like a parallel hatred.

dean nelson

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Founding Member
Jul 17, 2015
And see there's the thing again most potheads don't hate Leo's it's just that most Leo's don't meet most potheads cuz they don't get caught. The potheads the Leos are dealing with are the ones that are generally the bad ones and it doesn't make a difference if it's pot or alcohol those people tend to be trash. Furthermore pot heads and alcoholics are vastly different alcohol tends to make people depressed and aggressive pot tends to make people laid-back and hungry so unless your a bag of Cheetos or a jar of peanut butter you generally are a lot less likely to get in a fight with a pothead then you are an drunk!

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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 24, 2015
Those of you that are against "profiling", where is the line? So you don't like somebody profiling and pulling 200lbs of weed out of a car. What if the same situation happened and it was a dead body in the trunk with a knife and fingerprints on it? Should the murderer get charges dropped because of "profiling"?

The "line" for most folks is criminal activity. Catch a criminal via profiling and the end justifies the means for most folks. The issue with ceding a little on the 4th amendment is when it starts to infringe upon specifically the 1st and 2nd amendment.

Case in point: I can recall driving around Fargo one day and seeing a license plate that read, "Opiate". My thought was that the owner/driver of the car has probably earned themselves a perpetual police escort everywhere they drive. Pretty easy to "profile" and deduce it's likely that the driver/owner of that car at some point has some form of illegal opiates in possession. Doubtful many would show any sympathy for that person being profiled. If that (IMO) ill advised license plate is enough though where does it end? What about political plates or bumper stickers? Or, even closer to "home" for most on the site, what if a sticker or license plate depicting your favorite outdoor gear is on your vehicle? Does that give LEO the right to follow you all over town? Does a minority party political bumper sticker earn you extra scrutiny?

I don't know the right answer but it's sure not simple or even "cut and dried".


Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 9, 2015
all this talk about profiling when it your job to catch people breaking the law pretty sure most cops do it without thinking, What I don't agree with is when law enforcement have there sobriety/ saturation check points and pull everybody over. How is that legal?

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