When you have nothing ( no tag ) it is pretty hard to give something up because 1/2 of nothing is still nothing but in response to your questions
I would be willing to give up bow hunting as I would not be allowed to do both. Yes I do bow hunt.
I would have no problem with a shorter season as it was only 9 1/2 days when I started hunting.
I think the early November season is fine the way it is. In ND you never know what the weather will be like in late Nov or Early Dec. we have had multiple times in the 37 yrs I have been hunting that the snow and cold made it near if not impossible to be out hunting and the further you move the season back the more likely the adverse weather will have an effect on the season.
I would have no problem if one draws a buck tag that they would not be eligible to apply for a buck tag the following year. When I started hunting mule deer in the badlands if you drew a muley tag you were not eligible to apply for a muley the following year.
You do realize that if more guys start bow hunting, as most are saying should happen, the G&F will be forced to change the bow tag system to keep harvest results within the parameters they need to control the population
You have more more than nothing... right now you have exactly the same opportunity as I do and every other hunter in the state. That is more than nothing. Just an FYI - I have drawn 2 rifle tags in the last 8 years. So I have gone without a rifle tag as well. No tag in the last 4 years so far. Not as long as some with the mule deer units but those are different circumstances.
With that said, Yes if drawn you could bow hunt in that unit for the sex on the tag. I know that. There are quite a few of us that do hunt in several parts of the state. I have a preferred rifle unit that is away from my home. It's where my dad lives (and no it isn't a mule deer unit). From the people I have talked to and posts made, there are many that fall into this category. That requires us to either a: bow hunt only statewide (removing us from the lottery) or B: apply for a rifle tag in our main bow hunting unit.
So, your numbers of 10,000 to 12,000 are roughly the 1/3 to 1/2 that I referred to above. So let's run with that.
We had roughly 54,000 tags available with roughly 105,000 people applying for tags.
That is 51.5% of applicants getting drawn.
Let's remove 15,000 people from the lottery (those that will want to bow hunt statewide).
That would bump it up to 60% of applicants getting drawn. That's almost a 10% uptick. Sounds great huh? Let's distribute that over the 39 rifle units. I know it wouldn't be evenly distributed but since we don't know how exactly it would be, let's divy it up evenly.
You have now just increased your odds in 1 specific unit by .25% -- Note the decimal - 1/4 of a percent.
Some units will be higher and some will probably be lower but this would be a good average.
Wow that's a hell of an increase in odds isn't it. So let me ask you again - do you think it will drastically increase your odds?
BTW - if my math is incorrect, please feel free to correct me. It was a quick calculation on my part.
And yes, I do realize that the more people bow hunting that changes will probably be required at some point. I am fully aware of that.
What I am getting at and have always stressed - there is a portion of the bowhunters that will have to make a choice and remove themselves from the lottery or give up the statewide option.
That's what lead me to ask what are the rifle hunters willing to give up.
If a rifle hunter is required to sit out a year or two - that alone would give you a substantial increase in odds for drawing tag. Do the math if 54,000 people have to sit out of the lottery one year.
There's been too much of one group pointing the blame at another group of hunters. Bow hunters, gratis, non resident and rifle only guys - we're all in this together and must work together if something needs to change. Making one group only give up one opportunity while the others don't have to change anything doesn't get us anywhere.
- - - Updated - - -
I have to agree i do like the system as is. Is it perfect? no, but it is fair and everyone has the same opportunities going in
Exactly! Unfortunately there are some that don't see it as fair.