Legalize or not ?

Legalize or not ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 106 62.0%
  • No

    Votes: 48 28.1%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 6 3.5%
  • I am ok with the way the state has handled MM

    Votes: 7 4.1%
  • I am not ok with the way the state has handled MM

    Votes: 19 11.1%

  • Total voters


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
I agree with everything in your last post Dirty. I however do not agree that alcohol is more dangerouse. A few years ago my knees were so bad that I was in the hospital over Christmas. They were pumping pain killers into me with little affect. The doctor said the only thing stronger was fentanyl and offered it, but I turned it down. I heard so many horror stories that I just didn't want to take the chance. We will just have to respectfully disagree, or maybe not. I'm guessing you really didn't mean more dangerous.

Kurt I went back and looked and your right. Sorry for my confusion. I'm scratching my head on this one.

Here is a hot take to add. Booze has fucked up more lives than weed ever has from my life experience. Over indulging in anything is no good
This is the one that goofed me up. Your right booze has messed up more people. I think mj will be legalized and will become a bigger problem in the future. It's the current illegal status that keeps it in check. It will be unleashed in the future and we want have to wait long to see who is right. It's one of those WOKE things. I think the big problem will be in productivity. The users will want socialism so they can sit on their looser behind and still afford Doritos.
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★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2019
PG, you should have asked for some edibles! :)

I think we are on two different pages of the same book rather than disagreeing so much. I just have, well, a lot of PAST experience with marijuana and with people that also have experience with it. The scariest part about my kids (3 girls) using it is the current illegality of it and knowing that while it is illegal, if they decide to try it it could be laced with who knows what. Kids will be kids, so I’m going to assume they will have plenty of opportunities to try it one way or the other. I’d rather it was legal and safe if they decide not to avoid it.
I fully expect them to try alcohol too. I know what my initial approach will be with that topic as well and being a parent to each of your children is as individual as the children themselves so I guess it will be an evolving process. I will say I’m much more concerned about them being in a vehicle after they (or whoever is driving) are drunk much more than I am concerned about them consuming alcohol. I’m also more concerned about the situations they may find themselves in when drinking than I am the act of drinking itself.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
It's amazing how many things that are legal can mess up our lives but some people believe making things illegal will solve all our problems. Prohibition is really never the solution. There's far worse things in life then someone smoking a joint. To each their own as long as you don't mess with me and keep your shit to yourself I say.

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Apr 22, 2015
PG, you should have asked for some edibles! :)

I think we are on two different pages of the same book rather than disagreeing so much. I just have, well, a lot of PAST experience with marijuana and with people that also have experience with it. The scariest part about my kids (3 girls) using it is the current illegality of it and knowing that while it is illegal, if they decide to try it it could be laced with who knows what. Kids will be kids, so I’m going to assume they will have plenty of opportunities to try it one way or the other. I’d rather it was legal and safe.

This post hits home . Back on post # 66 and # 69 I posted about someone I know that supposedly hit bottom on CBD. I got to the bottom of it and was synthetic marijuana that is LEGAL in MN. The name of the latest fad is THC-O Google it, It's something new and LEGAL. Hemp laced with some chemical that makes it 2-3 times stronger than MJ. Those thinking illigal MJ is protecting young people need to open your eyes and mind to reality, It's doing the exact opposite.

Most likely since it's synthetic it was a product from big pharma and then given the name to further their agenda to give legalization a black eye so they don't fear losing customers. Read up about big pharma and their reason to lobby against legalization.

Update and correction. I was wrong about the name, It's THC-O and it's for sale at gas stations in MN.

I don't know much about it other than it's like bath salts. legal and easy to buy but fare more dangerous.
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★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jul 20, 2021
This thread has me thinking coca-cola early 1900's was laced with 3.5 gr of pure coke.hence the name,dunno know if this is true or not?

On side note,dealing with old age joint pain (pun intended) besides taking turmeric/ginger caps everyday I hit our local "head shop"
bought a bottle of 10gr thc gummies,walla ,pain free same day,legal in minn is the .05 gr but this head shop claims they can sell the higher grade but can't display or advertise it.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
I agree with everything in your last post Dirty. I however do not agree that alcohol is more dangerouse. A few years ago my knees were so bad that I was in the hospital over Christmas. They were pumping pain killers into me with little affect. The doctor said the only thing stronger was fentanyl and offered it, but I turned it down. I heard so many horror stories that I just didn't want to take the chance. We will just have to respectfully disagree, or maybe not. I'm guessing you really didn't mean more dangerous.

Kurt I went back and looked and your right. Sorry for my confusion. I'm scratching my head on this one.

This is the one that goofed me up. Your right booze has messed up more people. I think mj will be legalized and will become a bigger problem in the future. It's the current illegal status that keeps it in check. It will be unleashed in the future and we want have to wait long to see who is right. It's one of those WOKE things. I think the big problem will be in productivity. The users will want socialism so they can sit on their looser behind and still afford Doritos.

Your going off the extreme end of things no different than the drunk who does nothing is the pot head who smokes till he cant function. The guy who does a couple one hitters in the evening to relax a few times a week is no different than the guy who has a beer. Booze is much more addicting physically than weed. Im not advocating that people need to go out and blaze up 24/7 but i look at how big of a failure of the war on drugs has been even prohibition in the 20's and 30's was just a way for criminals to make money. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results we have been in that cycle so its time to try some thing different.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Aug 11, 2015
ND's Flatter Half
I'd much rather be around people who recreationally smoke pot once in a while, or even daily, vs. the people who can't go more than 24 hours with booze, or who get loaded every night and come in to work smelling like a still.

Friends I've had who smoke tend to be pretty chill people and a lot more easy to get along with. Drunks are mean, tired and generally unreliable.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
I not sure if I already posted this but I believe just like how alcohol is regulated by proof mj needs to be regulated by its percentage of thc even vape cartridges. Until the federal government decides to atleast deschedule mj down to schedule 2 that way mj can actually be tested for the effects in clinical trials. Legalizing another drug that we don't have any information on long term use especially in the ages of our more vulnerable age groups 18-35. I am all for deregulation of all drugs and should be able to be bought otc,, Oregon even though is seeing an increase of drug use but with time and more scientific peer group studies we will find out and provide options for helping cure addictions. All the money they spend on alphabet agencies and incarceration of these non violent criminals we would have all the money needed to provide us with these remedies in fighting the war on addiction and not on the drugs themselves. JMTC


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jul 20, 2021
any of you old farts remember the movie "refer madness",early 70's the sky was falling because of the devil weed.About the same time "cheech n chong" movies came out...that ended that gov't hit on pot smoking.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jun 26, 2018
Southcentral ND - Southcentral AK
This is the one that goofed me up. Your right booze has messed up more people. I think mj will be legalized and will become a bigger problem in the future. It's the current illegal status that keeps it in check. It will be unleashed in the future and we want have to wait long to see who is right. It's one of those WOKE things. I think the big problem will be in productivity. The users will want socialism so they can sit on their looser behind and still afford Doritos.

It's never really been illegal in Alaska. A state where the people hold a reputation for their grit and hard work. It's a state that Trump walked away winning both times and 8 years ago when official marijuana legality was on the ballot, the same voters made it an absolute blow out. If you want a case study, Alaska is a good representative. I went to the liquor store and pot store Saturday morning on 4th of July weekend. The liquor store was full of dirty homeless zombies purchasing their morning fix and a couple of people ready to go enjoy their weekend. The weed store was full of people dressed to go to the lake or go fishing, didn't see any zombies in there. That's been my typical experience any time of day I go to either place. I can run into Anchorage quick and the thousands of homeless people roaming the streets are all holding paper bags. The native village of Bethel voted two years ago to close down all liquor sales and allow two pot shops in town instead. Rape and domestic violence has gone down by over 50%. And the ones that do happen are all in the home and still alcohol related (you can still buy booze and bring it in, it's a "damp" village). They used to have several drownings a summer from drunk people partying by the river, they haven't had one in two years. It's literally a whole new town and friends that live there say it's night and day compared to how it was a few years ago. Another great case study. My buddy that I get absolutely hammered off Pendleton with when I go out there even says the village is way better with the new rules and would vote to keep it that way. The same buddy owns a hunting/fishing lodge where people stay on the front and back end of their trips that he flys them out on. He said he no longer has to deal with stuff getting ruined by drunk guys and his lodge handlers no longer have to clean puke from the sheets, couches, and bathrooms.

I don't know the ins and outs of selling the stuff. But in a place where it's fully legal, its well regulated. I've never seen any of the synthetic stuff. To take it a step further, the best way to avoid additives is to just let people grow it in their own homes like they do here. I love booze. The several people I have a personal relationship with on here can tell you I love booze. It's fun and I got a cupboard full of it. But my experiences in bars and liquor stores drinking all times of day for years tells me that there are just as many, if not SUBSTATIALLY more, worthless people hooked on the bottle than a plant.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
Too many articles out there on the msm that will be for or against the use of mj, until there is actually a peer study on the use of mj by reputable sources everything else is just hypothetical theories. Does mj help with pain relief for real, does it cause man boobs, does it kill sperm, is it an aphrodisiacs? Does cbd oil work on a medical level. Those are the case studies I'm looking for in long term usee, Will consuming the wacky tabacky really keep me from buying a gun if I have a medical card?
Telling me the crime rates have gone down because of less boozing has already been shared in other states that allow mj to be used recreationaly. Also in states that have legalized mj have shown that less people are smoking more mj on a regular basis then it was in the beginning. That stats can be verified by the amount of mj that is being sold between harvesting from year to year. I'm all for less crime today but I looking for the scientifically backed information from irrefutable sources and that can only be done when mj has be declassified to schedule 2 drug.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jul 20, 2021
wj I moved to Alaska in 1976 "eagle river" as I waited for my shot working in purdoe bay oil field/slope
,at the time pot was legal for personal use,up to 4oz's was legal for personel consumption,illegal to sell,most of myfriends had a built in "green house attached to they're homes,some had little fields below the matanuska glacier near anchorage,huge plants growing in that fertile glacier drift soil,reading the mj laws this legal mj was recendid in 1996 making pot illegal,getting busted today with 1oz or less gets one the "stink eye" nothing major other than a small fine.Folks in the lower 48 folks never knew this,never an issue....drunkin renecks from around the country was the real issue not the pot smokers.

I remember hangin out at "chilkoot charlies" bar one time,everyone was token on a joint unless outside playing volley ball or table tennis,good times.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
Alaska was part of the 10 or 11 states in the 70s that decrimilized mj on a personal level, wasn't till 1990 which I believe was the year that mj was officially prohibited for possession for all 50 states. So now Alaska has atleast 3 generations that have been smoking the green leaf for nearly 50 years. So before there was BC bud there was the was the grand daddy ATF Alaskan Thunder Fuck which some would argue BC bud is a derivative of ATF.
I am the generation of the Reagan Era just say no campaign when all the while the CIA was bringing in tons of free based cocaine which brought in the Crack epidemic. War on drugs don't work even Ross Perot in the 80s was an advocate in the legalizing of mj and he believed we could turn around the national deficit in a decade.
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★★★★★ Legendary Member
Jan 25, 2019
Too many articles out there on the msm that will be for or against the use of mj, until there is actually a peer study on the use of mj by reputable sources everything else is just hypothetical theories. Does mj help with pain relief for real, does it cause man boobs, does it kill sperm, is it an aphrodisiacs? Does cbd oil work on a medical level. Those are the case studies I'm looking for in long term usee, Will consuming the wacky tabacky really keep me from buying a gun if I have a medical card?
Telling me the crime rates have gone down because of less boozing has already been shared in other states that allow mj to be used recreationaly. Also in states that have legalized mj have shown that less people are smoking more mj on a regular basis then it was in the beginning. That stats can be verified by the amount of mj that is being sold between harvesting from year to year. I'm all for less crime today but I looking for the scientifically backed information from irrefutable sources and that can only be done when mj has be declassified to schedule 2 drug.

You don’t have to look hard to find peer reviewed research on the use of, medical benefits of, effects of, etc. of marijuana!

Start by searching for “peer reviewed research on marijuana”.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
All I know is I have been waiting to grow it for nearly 7 years now, we were robbed by the politicians in Bismarck who thought they knew better.

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You don’t have to look hard to find peer reviewed research on the use of, medical benefits of, effects of, etc. of marijuana!

Start by searching for “peer reviewed research on marijuana”.
I googled jama and marijuana nothing other then the garden variety articles stuck out, with time hopefully we will see more of these articles in JAMA the go to when it comes to peer studies.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
Cavalier, ND
Google pain relief peer studies and medical marijuana jama
You get inconclusivness even though I believe mj has canoids that do just that help aliviate pain. You can argue that these websites have the best of intentions when it comes to unbiased research BUT the medical field won't except these as conclusive evidence until the federal government funds it.
JAMA atleast admits that there needs more evidence

Davey Crockett

Founding Member
Founding Member
Thread starter
Apr 22, 2015
JAMA atleast admits that there needs more evidence

If I'm not mistaken , every report I've ever read from any research group says further research is needed. Inconclusiveness is thier cash cow.

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Big pharma argues that a few thousand years of this weed use for medicine isn't solid proof. On the other hand they want to shove their jabs and pills down our throat with only a few months of clinic trials.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 20, 2015
My deal: Is a heavy equipment operator involved in an accident intoxicated after not ingesting THC for a week? What laws are in place for protection? Why should a pot user have an approximate 80 day buffer? THC is fat soluble. Alcohol is water soluble and not detectable in the blood after approximately an hour per oz of consumption. No matter the point of ingestion; 80% of ethanol is collected and expelled through the lungs at the aforementioned rate: With variables both positive/negative: One beer/one glass of wine/one shot of 190 Grain=1oz.

Pard in the Hills is a pharmacist. THC is sometimes prescribed for appetite motivation and never distributed in a dimebag with instructions to smoke a fatty at leisure. How does one reconcile SMOKING anything for health? This is all a back door.

During the Viet Nam era the KGB spent more on the "peace/love" movement in the States than arming the Viet Cong. The THC content is now at extreme increase from that time and plenty "peer reviewed"/observable studies are available proving dain bramage in our culture: This current govt is sprouted from this garbage and subservient to China.

There is a war against tobacco and shitting on the sidewalk is fine. It's all the rise of a new fascism and increasing the power of the new "elite": Get your booster shot. Wear your mask. Wear your mask. Wear your mask. Be a retard and make your "living". You're either trash or rich: Smoke up.

From chaos there is order. If it's all too complicated; smoke a jay you racist. Frank Zappa and Uncle Ted are examples of sobriety:

You don't have to be drunk for rock n roll. We're all American... Uncle Ted:
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