Property Tax Petition

Are you in favor of eliminating property taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 94 75.8%
  • No

    Votes: 30 24.2%

  • Total voters


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Absolutely agree..people follow what they are told. Guarantee people will hear the tax advertisement from burleigh county and go and vote for it.
government s using tax dollars to advertise and promote one side of an initiated measure should be illegal. they can spend their personal money to voice their opinion not money that was taken from the very citizens who want a change.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 25, 2015
I was for getting rid of property tax but the more I read on here the more I'm starting to think leaving property tax and making some changes to it would be better. If we get rid of property tax, the legislature is gonna really screw us over, probably raise sales tax, state income tax, and maybe create a few other ones and take 3 times as much money from us peasants.
I agree, I have zero confidence in our politicians to figure anything out, especially a completely new tax system to replace property taxes


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
I agree, I have zero confidence in our politicians to figure anything out, especially a completely new tax system to replace property taxes
NDbowman said:
I was for getting rid of property tax but the more I read on here the more I'm starting to think leaving property tax and making some changes to it would be better. If we get rid of property tax, the legislature is gonna really screw us over, probably raise sales tax, state income tax, and maybe create a few other ones and take 3 times as much money from us peasants.

This right here is the reason we have the shit show we currently have. That sand feel nice and comfy? There is a plan being offered. It involves cutting spending by our politicians and funding from what I understand as returns from legacy funds…everyone on nodak is offering what they think may or may not work. Becker actually has a plan. maybe just maybe you could do some research before deciding and or voting for something…and that research should come from the sources..not nodakangler as there are a lot of alternatives to what Becker has offered.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
government s using tax dollars to advertise and promote one side of an initiated measure should be illegal. they can spend their personal money to voice their opinion not money that was taken from the very citizens who want a change.
From my understanding and I am just trying to remember but I don’t believe the county was funding it…some how they must have swindled another area to do it…. I can’t remember who it was that was funding the advertisement though…


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
I was for getting rid of property tax but the more I read on here the more I'm starting to think leaving property tax and making some changes to it would be better. If we get rid of property tax, the legislature is gonna really screw us over, probably raise sales tax, state income tax, and maybe create a few other ones and take 3 times as much money from us peasants.
This is why this keeps getting shot down and our taxes keep going up! Wake up!!! Anytime you can eliminate a tax you should do it! They will always find a way to spend more if we don't start showing them we're tired of it! They might make other taxes higher to pay for their damn spending but at least you won't lose your home over it!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
What needs to change is the automatically getting more money when they increase property values. The law should require an automatic reduction in mills based on the new valuations so total property tax revenue stays the same. Then there should be a required meeting to where the new budget is set and mills adjusted according to needs that year. This way people we voted for have to actually vote to get more money. I still like property taxes over sales and income in that property taxes give govt a set amount of money each year vs variable amounts.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
The Bismarck City Commission has finalized its 2024 budget with a nearly $50 million increase in spending over last year but no mill levy increase.
The 2024 budget, finalized last week, totals $346 million, up from this year's $299 million budget. Fees for some city services including garbage collection and street light maintenance will rise.
Mills are used to calculate property taxes. There will be no increase in 2024 but property taxes might rise for residents due to property valuation increases. Bismarck's budget impacts only a portion of a city property owner's tax bill. The budgets for Burleigh County, Bismarck Public Schools, and Bismarck Parks and Recreation also impact property taxes.

The city general fund, funded primarily through property taxes, has a 2024 budget of $67.4 million -- an increase of roughly $4 million from the 2023 budget. The general fund covers things such as city operations, community development, health, and police and fire protection.
The city will use $230,000 from its reserve fund to cover a portion of Bis-Man Transit public transportation costs. The commission approved the funding in July.

The city will pay roughly $3.8 million from the general fund in the budget to sustain the roads and streets fund that has a budget of roughly $12 million. The roads and streets fund is primarily supported by state highway, fuel and motor vehicle licensing taxes.
A $2 per month increase will be implemented for the streetlight and signal fund, for changing of street lamp lights to LED lights and replacing of traffic signals. The increase will appear on utility bills; the current fee for street and traffic light maintenance is $8.82 per month.

Water and stormwater rates on resident's utility bills will not increase, but sewer rates will rise 2.25% and garbage collection fees will increase $2.10 per month for residential customers. Garbage collection fees currently total $20.71 per month for residential customers. The city cites rising operating and capital costs as reasons for the increase.

Prices at the landfill for commercial customers will rise $6 per ton. Municipal solid waste -- which includes carpet, food waste, insulation, paper, plastic and furniture -- currently costs $49 per ton. Inert waste -- which includes wood, vinyl siding, roofing paper, Sheetrock, masonry, plaster, glass and ceiling tile -- costs $27.75 per ton.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 25, 2015
This right here is the reason we have the shit show we currently have. That sand feel nice and comfy? There is a plan being offered. It involves cutting spending by our politicians and funding from what I understand as returns from legacy funds…everyone on nodak is offering what they think may or may not work. Becker actually has a plan. maybe just maybe you could do some research before deciding and or voting for something…and that research should come from the sources..not nodakangler as there are a lot of alternatives to what Becker has offered.
I have read Rick Becker's plan, and there is nothing in the plan to eliminate "special assessments"
which is exactly what you will get when there is local funding issue.

Rick says "North Dakota has the potential to eliminate property taxes without raising other taxes.
Our state spends $2.5 billion more than we actually need to. "

The legislature is already paying for about 40% of your property tax burden with it’s buydowns by the way, and I have a hard time believing Rick when he says there would be no increase to other taxes.

So according to Rick, there is 2.5 billion of overspending going on, and about 1.16 billion is needed
to offset the property tax elimination. His plan is to just cut 1.16 billion out of the "overspending"
that the state does.

Do you really think the state legislature is going to come up with 1.16 billion dollars in spending cuts?

I am all for spending cuts, but that's a big number to cut. I just don't want to end up paying more in taxes then I am now, that's why I am hesitant to just eliminate the property tax and am more on property tax reform which would cap your tax liability based on the purchase price of your property, that would be a static tax by law that never changes as long as you own the property.

This would give everyone some relief and eliminate any property tax increase in the future. This would also reduce the 1.16 billion shortfall to some number that would be more manageable, I dont know what that number is but hopefully whatever it is it could come in the form of spending cuts.

That's just my take, I don't like taxes either but I don't want a dysfunctional tax system to become even more dysfunctional.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
I have read Rick Becker's plan, and there is nothing in the plan to eliminate "special assessments"
which is exactly what you will get when there is local funding issue.

Rick says "North Dakota has the potential to eliminate property taxes without raising other taxes.
Our state spends $2.5 billion more than we actually need to. "

The legislature is already paying for about 40% of your property tax burden with it’s buydowns by the way, and I have a hard time believing Rick when he says there would be no increase to other taxes.

So according to Rick, there is 2.5 billion of overspending going on, and about 1.16 billion is needed
to offset the property tax elimination. His plan is to just cut 1.16 billion out of the "overspending"
that the state does.

Do you really think the state legislature is going to come up with 1.16 billion dollars in spending cuts?

I am all for spending cuts, but that's a big number to cut. I just don't want to end up paying more in taxes then I am now, that's why I am hesitant to just eliminate the property tax and am more on property tax reform which would cap your tax liability based on the purchase price of your property, that would be a static tax by law that never changes as long as you own the property.

This would give everyone some relief and eliminate any property tax increase in the future. This would also reduce the 1.16 billion shortfall to some number that would be more manageable, I dont know what that number is but hopefully whatever it is it could come in the form of spending cuts.

That's just my take, I don't like taxes either but I don't want a dysfunctional tax system to become even more dysfunctional.
I am reading this laughing at how you can go through this and not think this is a better plan then what we currently have...


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 25, 2015
I am reading this laughing at how you can go through this and not think this is a better plan then what we currently have...
And I'm laughing at you for believing existing taxes wont be raised and the legislature will cut 1.16 billion in spending to fund property tax elimination


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
And I'm laughing at you for believing existing taxes wont be raised and the legislature will cut 1.16 billion in spending to fund property tax elimination
I never said I don't believe existing tax such as sales tax won't be raised. I understand they will. I also don't think legislature will cut 1.16. What I do believe is if it is changed they will be required to in a certain sense justify there spending. Right now they dont..they have a blank check from property taxes. Hey I get it fear of the unknown is a real thing and people don't have to see eye to eye. I choose change and if it doesn't work..well we can change again. What I do know is the current status is a bad deal..except for the politicians who like to spend money. One thing after talking to a number of people about this issue is there is a real thing where people are ok with govt spending there money for them regardless of the amount. Sounds familiar no?


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 20, 2015
And when is it enough? When they take 50% of your money? 75%? They will just keep raising and taking if something isn't done. Every year taxes go up, MDU raises their rates, The city raises their rates, So on and so forth. All while people get next to nothing raises (if any raises). Sooner or later something has to break.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
And when is it enough? When they take 50% of your money? 75%? They will just keep raising and taking if something isn't done. Every year taxes go up, MDU raises their rates, The city raises their rates, So on and so forth. All while people get next to nothing raises (if any raises). Sooner or later something has to break.
I truly believe there are a chunk of people that are ok with this..they would rather go to work..go home.. go to work ...go home and rinse and repeat. Hoping the govt eventually just takes care if them. Kind of like I stated above..people are ok with the govt spending there money.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 25, 2015
I never said I don't believe existing tax such as sales tax won't be raised. I understand they will. I also don't think legislature will cut 1.16. What I do believe is if it is changed they will be required to in a certain sense justify there spending. Right now they dont..they have a blank check from property taxes. Hey I get it fear of the unknown is a real thing and people don't have to see eye to eye. I choose change and if it doesn't work..well we can change again. What I do know is the current status is a bad deal..except for the politicians who like to spend money. One thing after talking to a number of people about this issue is there is a real thing where people are ok with govt spending there money for them regardless of the amount. Sounds familiar no?
I want change also, I just don't want to eliminate property tax and have that tax revenue made up with a new tax or increase in existing taxes (sales, gas, income, etc......)
That's why I'm for property tax REFORM and make up the difference with spending cuts. Obi just posted on the proposed budget for Bismarck, a 50 million dollar increase, spending increases are not going away. Don't forget we have federal politicians creating all the inflation that is happening, and a lot of the local budget increases are due to inflation, the price of everything has gone through the roof since Biden got in.
I think the property tax will be eliminated, people are rightfully pissed and its got momentum for sure. I am just sounding the alarm that the "fix" will likely end up being worse than the problem. Hope I am wrong but I don't trust the legislature to get it figured out if property tax is totally eliminated. Guess we will find out


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 15, 2015
I'm sick of my property taxes subsidizing farmers and then seeing them drive BRAND NEW PICK-UPs every year.


★★★★★ Legendary Member
Sep 15, 2018
I want change also, I just don't want to eliminate property tax and have that tax revenue made up with a new tax or increase in existing taxes (sales, gas, income, etc......)
That's why I'm for property tax REFORM and make up the difference with spending cuts. Obi just posted on the proposed budget for Bismarck, a 50 million dollar increase, spending increases are not going away. Don't forget we have federal politicians creating all the inflation that is happening, and a lot of the local budget increases are due to inflation, the price of everything has gone through the roof since Biden got in.
I think the property tax will be eliminated, people are rightfully pissed and its got momentum for sure. I am just sounding the alarm that the "fix" will likely end up being worse than the problem. Hope I am wrong but I don't trust the legislature to get it figured out if property tax is totally eliminated. Guess we will find out
Oh yeah property tax reform after measure 2 was voted on..that was tye warning to do something with property taxes..they should have done something then..they didn't. How long should the people wait to see if they address the issue, 10 years 20 years 100 years? I personally don't care if it's worse as long as it's off my property. We can deal with the rest as it comes. I believe it will be a wake up call to alot of people if it's applied to sales tax. I believe when people see this they will be more involved politically...asking questions to the people they vote for and holding them accountable. Maybe not maybe it's a pipe dream but I sure hope that's what takes place. The people need to hold the elected officials responsibe..good example Warford..went against the people and then just decided not to run again. My opinion and just mine....I wouldn't give his business a dime. If people really knew would they go to him? Mayne maybe not. Sorry long winded..I could go on and on of the corruption and poor leaders we have had....another words my opinion property reform would never ever happen....not in our lifetime


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
I have read Rick Becker's plan, and there is nothing in the plan to eliminate "special assessments"
which is exactly what you will get when there is local funding issue.

Rick says "North Dakota has the potential to eliminate property taxes without raising other taxes.
Our state spends $2.5 billion more than we actually need to. "

The legislature is already paying for about 40% of your property tax burden with it’s buydowns by the way, and I have a hard time believing Rick when he says there would be no increase to other taxes.

So according to Rick, there is 2.5 billion of overspending going on, and about 1.16 billion is needed
to offset the property tax elimination. His plan is to just cut 1.16 billion out of the "overspending"
that the state does.

Do you really think the state legislature is going to come up with 1.16 billion dollars in spending cuts?

I am all for spending cuts, but that's a big number to cut. I just don't want to end up paying more in taxes then I am now, that's why I am hesitant to just eliminate the property tax and am more on property tax reform which would cap your tax liability based on the purchase price of your property, that would be a static tax by law that never changes as long as you own the property.

This would give everyone some relief and eliminate any property tax increase in the future. This would also reduce the 1.16 billion shortfall to some number that would be more manageable, I dont know what that number is but hopefully whatever it is it could come in the form of spending cuts.

That's just my take, I don't like taxes either but I don't want a dysfunctional tax system to become even more dysfunctional.
The problem with your line of thinking is they are never going to reform property tax enough to make any real difference. Just like their last reforms ended up being a nothing burger and this latest $500 rebate BS will be a nothing burger. They will just continue to do what they've been doing and say we tried again. Time to stop it once and for all!

If you don't think your tax liability is still going to go up even with your property tax reform you're a fool! But with your plan you still might lose your property if you can't pay the tax! That's BS!!


Founding Member
Founding Member
Sep 20, 2015
I know. They can legalize the devils lettuce and tax the shit out of that. Let the potheads pick up the missing property tax money.

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