Trespass Bill

Trip McNeely

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 16, 2015
Burleigh county
gst, you should probably go f-yourself. you are trying to sell this bullshit as a ticked off farmer bill. your decisive rhetoric and agenda may fool some but most see you for what you are. you claim to be a voice for farming on this site..... did you or did you not help write legislation for the recent corporate farming bill that got rejectd by a majority? i had alot of family farmers tell me to vote no on measure 5 i believe it was..... so i did. because i respect an honest family farmer. you try to sell it like most farmers are on your side. i cant believe many farmers would want to side with someone who is trying to pass corporate farming laws. i know if i had a small farm in nd you are the last sorry asshole i would be listening to.


Founding Member
Founding Member
May 15, 2015
Drifting the high plains
Indeed the rest of the state loves to hear sportsmen from Fargo tell everyone else what is what when it comes to hunting and recreation
Oh my gst isn't that divisive. You say your against this bill, but then you write things that tells me otherwise. Not as sneaky as you think.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
and we in Fargo just love being told what is what about EVERYTHING from a certain few

go ahead - slander the nature-loving outdoorsman who ended up living in the big cities out east... so productive for you and your interests

Could you point out the "slander" part? I am not a lawyer and I have never stayed in a Holiday Inn Express.

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Oh yes and you now linking most everyone on this site to the HSUS since that vast majority on here oppose this bill definitely proves just how big of a wack job you are!

Mr. Nelson.........were the vast majority of people on this site sitting in the corner in deep conversation with the state HSUS fella at the hearing on this bill?

There in lies the obvious difference to the less hate filled.

Were you aware the folks at the NDG&F apparently were? I would just as soon our G&F fellas to keep decorum, politely shook the HSUS's fellas hand and said no thanks we really don;t want to associate with the nations leading anti hunting org. nor do we wish to give ANY appearance of doing so.

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gst, you should probably go f-yourself. you are trying to sell this bullshit as a ticked off farmer bill. your decisive rhetoric and agenda may fool some but most see you for what you are. you claim to be a voice for farming on this site..... did you or did you not help write legislation for the recent corporate farming bill that got rejectd by a majority? i had alot of family farmers tell me to vote no on measure 5 i believe it was..... so i did. because i respect an honest family farmer. you try to sell it like most farmers are on your side. i cant believe many farmers would want to side with someone who is trying to pass corporate farming laws. i know if i had a small farm in nd you are the last sorry asshole i would be listening to.

Holy man easy on the hate. You keep bringing up this corporate farming deal and mentioned something I said in a PM before. Just share it with the folks on the site, I really do not mind. I told you before, myself and several others tried getting feedlots included in the hog and dairy exemptions but failed. I am betting had NDFB chosen to invest in getting the facts and truth out about the corporate farming measure the out come may have been different, but they chose the route of the courts instead.

I am trying to "sell this" as an anti jack ass bill, I thought that was pretty clear by now, if it is not "ticked off farmers" bringing this bill up, who is? :confused:

I don;t recall claiming to be a voice for farming on this site,if you can show where I have please do. I believe I have said I simply bring a differing view point to the discussion at times.

You can certainly take it however you would like.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Jun 1, 2015
Da Upper
Whoa, this thread is getting side tracked. Imagine that. I don't believe this bill is "antisportsman", but that's what it will inevitably end up being. It will hinder law abiding sportsman from enjoying what gst calls their "little deal of recreation", which is the states third largest economy. It will be harder and harder to hunt and pass the tradition on to future generations. Plain and simple. Especially in ND where there is relatively speaking, little public land.

If this is truly about "anti dumbasses" how do you legislate dumbass criminals who knowingly and intentionally break the law? Let me answer that you don't, because this law wouldn't stop ecoterrorist protestors from trespassing, slob hunters from trespassing or shooting near buildings/people/livestock, or snowmobilers from driving all over the gd place.

My family owns land and have had more than our fair share of run ins with dumbasses. By all accounts my family and I should be in support of this bill, but we are not because it won't change a damn thing. Increase the penalty of criminal trespass from a misdemeanor to a felony. That oughta make people think twice.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Oh my gst isn't that divisive. You say your against this bill, but then you write things that tells me otherwise. Not as sneaky as you think.

So please explain EXACTLY how that is "divisive" plainsman? It is the simple truth. You should understand that from the push back you got trying to run farmers out of business with your HFH measure that people including many besides farmers and ranchers simply do not like others telling them what is "ethical" or what is "anti hunting" or other things related to hunting or what they can do with their private property.

Most everyone in our state is smart enough to make up their own minds about these issues without having rhetoric shoved down their throats. I know you do not think that, you have said so a number of times on here, but it is true.

As to my position on this bill, perhaps you should call up the president of NDFB and ask him what my position on this bill is, he was kind of surprised when he talked with me. We had a nice conversation and I respect his and the orgs position, but my mind was not changed.

You really do not know as much as you think you do plains. ;) Try not to make assumptions that make you look like a fool.

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Whoa, this thread is getting side tracked. Imagine that. I don't believe this bill is "antisportsman", but that's what it will inevitably end up being. It will hinder law abiding sportsman from enjoying what gst calls their "little deal of recreation", which is the states third largest economy. It will be harder and harder to hunt and pass the tradition on to future generations. Plain and simple.

If this is truly about "anti dumbasses" how do you legislate dumbass criminals who knowingly and intentionally break the law? Let me answer that you don't, because this law wouldn't stop ecoterrorist protestors from trespassing, slob hunters from trespassing or shooting near buildings/people/livestock, or snowmobilers from driving all over the gd place.

My family owns land and have had more than our fair share of run ins with dumbasses. By all accounts my family and I should be in support of this bill, but we are not because it won't change a damn thing.

That is one of the reasons I oppose this bill. My grandkids (looking ahead here) will simply not know what I did growing up if this bill passes. I would just as soon they did.

I also agree this bill will not stop those already being that "jack ass" as it does nothing with the penalties for the hunting side of trespass.

You do know I understand fully the impact hunting has on our state right financially right? The "little" portion of that statement was a "quip", apparently it was not as "witty" as I intended.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
So outside of BBQ kinda answering it, why have the others that have jumped down with both boots not addressed this simple question that some want desperately to portray this bill as? The question was asked to get people to stop and think about the rhetoric some are using, I have heard more than a few farmers at ball games and around since this is getting air time not too impressed with this kind of rhetoric. Once they have heard that kinda promotion of opposition to this bill many are asking the question what gives people the right to expect to come onto private property unless it is posted.

Most simply wish to avoid having to put up signs without realizing that if they do not wish to be bothered all fall they will have to still put up signs. Most of these farmers and ranchers have many friends from town that hunt their lands, they are not anti hunting and tire of hearing it.

The point of my comments quoting Mr. Mazahari is that while this bill will likely fail, it is gaining more support. Legislators are listening more and giving it more time than ever before becasue they are hearing more support than ever before. So when this bill comes back (want to bet whether it does) down the road a few years do you want it starting from a position of increased support then because of people spouting things now? It likely will pass at that point.

I will live with what ever passes. I will have to continue to post the good areas of habitat we have worked hard ot create for my family and friends to hunt in or be inundated with calls and people stopping in all fall so that and the fact the penalties will still not deter the jackasses not much would change for me outside of what my kids would have to go thru to do what I grew up doing.

so before people want to jump all over someone, take the time to answer this simple question.

Odds are the people pushing this bill likely have their lands posted now anyways and want this to pass just so they don;t have to bother putting up signs............the people that allow hunting now by not posting or asking permission will likely still allow hunting if one asks, so how EXACTLY is it "anti hunting".............

Then ask what is to be gained from painting it as such?

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Bs gst most of what you say makes you look like a staunch supporter. I don't know which face to believe. I think I will believe the face your hiding.

I know this will disappoint you plains, but I really don't give a shit what you think.

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Especially in ND where there is relatively speaking, little public land.

To the fella whose ranch is 5000 acres, 3.5 million acres (someone posted earlier) is quite a few acres. Of course not as much as other western states but that might not be the best angle to take.

If someone asks you is 3.5 million not much more do you need ........what are you going to answer that will help the discussion? 3.5 million acres is a big number when you are used to driving over 5000.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
Holy bbq, I'm on your side on this one, why go there.

Take it for what it's worth, but bringing up not enough public land when the total is apparently 3.5 million might not be a good idea.

ND has roughly 30800 farms and ranches averaging about 1300 acres for roughly 39.5 million acres in ag lands according to the last census I believe.

So public lands total roughly 10% of ag lands total. To the fella on that 1300 acre farm, 3.5 million acres seems like a lot.

But hey, make what ever argument you want.

dean nelson

Founding Member
Founding Member
Jul 17, 2015
were you aware the folks at the NDG&F apparently were? I would just as soon our G&F fellas to keep decorum, politely shook the HSUS's fellas hand and said no thanks we really don;t want to associate with the nations leading anti hunting org. nor do we wish to give ANY appearance of doing so.
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.....a least for one battle. I personally would have preferred the hsus guy would have come over and bend you over the chair and show you what he does every weekend with his boyfriend .....but you don't always get what you want


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.....a least for one battle. I personally would have preferred the hsus guy would have come over and bend you over the chair and show you what he does every weekend with his boyfriend .....but you don't always get what you want

Holy the still aren;t pissed about that wolf pic thread are you........

So now we have defined "enemies" in this bill eh there Mr Nelson?

So you are okay with HSUS and hunting orgs or agencies holding hands .....but yet the supporters of this bill are your "enemies"............;:;banghead

Well alrighty then......... might I suggest not going with the "protecting the future of hunting" argument then?
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Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
These debates usually come back to a theme, land land we need more public land.

Texas has little public land and yet is number one in deer licenses sold at about 1,245,532. Texas has the largest deer herd estimated at over 4 million.

I think a number should be put on it. How much public land do some of you guys want? Throw a flippin number out there. Keep in mind for every acre taken out of production is another acre taken from your children to build a home or a business.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 23, 2015
the enemy of my enemy is my friend.....a least for one battle. I personally would have preferred the hsus guy would have come over and bend you over the chair and show you what he does every weekend with his boyfriend .....but you don't always get what you want

Got thinkin about this watching SIX tonite

So a rancher clicks on Nodak Angler to get an ice fishing update to take his kids out this weekend and he sees the Trespass bill thread. He's heard his neighbors that kinda support it talking about it so he clicks on it.

He now reads a post claiming that his neighbors are the "enemy" and some idiot is saying he's alright with HSUS (who this rancher knows is the nations largest animal rights group and trying to put him out of business) chumming up with folks in our state as long as it kills this bill..............which side of the fence do ya think that is gonna put that fella on........

Let me give you up a little heads up from the ranching community dean, and I feel pretty comfortable saying this goes for a big portion of them, a friend of my enemy (HSUS) is my enemy.

so ya might want to leave that stupid shit at home if you're lookin for support against this bill.
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Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 12, 2015
On a side note Rip" I am sorry and made a mistake" Michael "oh really "
RIP " Ya I didn't kill every one of you rag head mother f@#kers"

That show is good.


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 21, 2015
Faaargo, ND
thanks for dividing wildlife loving hunters and fishers gst

your tactics remind me of a certain ex president's

please just STOP

Fritz the Cat

Founding Member
Founding Member
May 11, 2015
Gst said,

But hey at least our NDG&F are holding hands with the ND HSUS to defeat this so there is always that.......wonder if any of that old HFH crowd is joining that circle jerk. ;)

The story below came out Feb.4th the day after the hearing. The Ag Coalition, Stockmen's, Farm Bureau, Farmers Union came out and supported it. Sportsmens org came out opposed.

But sportsmen’s groups and hunters said problems under the current law were rare and involve only a few bad actors. Mike McEnroe, of the North Dakota Wildlife Federation, said about 100 complaints have been filed annually from 2008 to 2016 concerning trespassing violations.

I have a problem with grassroots sportsmen allowing this man to represent them. He also serves as a lobbyist for the wildlife society, is a former federal employee and admitted that he and Dick Monson made the decision to accept $150,000 from the Humane Society of the United States to fund their TV ads during the Fair Chase Folly in 2010. People just like Mike McEnroe in Michigan collected the signatures to ban dove hunting and then allowed the HSUS to spend $1.6 million to buy the ban vote. Who exactly is doing the dividing?

Bill Helphrey, of the North Dakota Bowhunting Association, said trespass laws may work in Wyoming or Montana, where land is kept in large tracts held by one owner and where there is ample public land for hunting. But North Dakota, he said, is only 9.1 percent public land.

Bill Helphrey was a cheerleader during the HFI and there is that, "land land we need more public land theme again."


Founding Member
Founding Member
Apr 26, 2015
East Central ND
Holy bbq, I'm on your side on this one, why go there.

Take it for what it's worth, but bringing up not enough public land when the total is apparently 3.5 million might not be a good idea.

ND has roughly 30800 farms and ranches averaging about 1300 acres for roughly 39.5 million acres in ag lands according to the last census I believe.

So public lands total roughly 10% of ag lands total. To the fella on that 1300 acre farm, 3.5 million acres seems like a lot.

But hey, make what ever argument you want.
So 39.5 million acres of ag land compared to 3.5 million acres of public but how much of that public is still being grazed by ag producers? So how many more ag acres do you want gst? I'll hang up and listen.

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