Free college, free daycare, free healthcare, free lunches, free anything is a bunch of crap.
The world needs ditch diggers too.
Taking from one forcibly and giving it to another is horse shit.
I give a great plenty, and so do the places I volunteer dozens of hours a month too. Not to toot my own horn, but I give gifts of cash and more importantly time to charity, on a weekly basis, I count my blessings and give where I see fit, including my church and community.
I am a giver, but don't take my cash and hand it out to whomever and claim I am not giving enough.
Parents need to care for their children, and seek help when they cant care for the most important thing in their lives. But to say it should be covered by the rest of us weekly is ludacris.
Plenty of places are there to help, including food pantries, churches, food stamps, reduced and free lunches for the people who cannot take care of there own, the back pack program (which is one I personally support, as does the club I head).
If a family cannot get the kid fed with all of these, then there is some real lack of ability to even raise themselves non the less a child.